The Neoliberals supporting the white colonist state very overtly because of the ethnicity of the people that state claims to represent, have always been as Racist as the Fascists, they just passed themselves as anti-Racist by focusing on telling us that whole races are inherently better and deserving of better treatment than other races, whilst the Fascists tend to focus on telling us bad things about races (though, if you pay attention, the Fascists too claim that those of certain races are inherently better and deserving of better treatment).
The Racism isn't the telling bad things about a race, it's the assumption that all people of a race are the same, equally worthy or unworthy and deserving of different treatment for no reason other than the race they were born in - it's a form of dehumanization of individuals which, if you look more broadly at the suffering the Neoliberals are willing to inflict on billions of people in the Economic field in order to profit from it, is really just one facet of their general Sociopath posture towards the rest of Humanity, complete with deceit, manipulation and gaslighting.
What the Zionist Genocide - a most appalling sociopathic savagery openly committed by those the Neoliberals claim as the representatives of an ethnicity which they deem "good" - and the support of it by the Neoliberals very overtly due to the ethnicity of those committing those acts, have made very clear to everybody else is that the Neoliberal form of Racist is just as extreme as the Fascist one, and being anchored on exactly the same view of people as "etnics" rather than individuals, easily turns into the same kind of Evil: because it's entirely anchored on Prejudicial and Discriminatory views not Logic (even though they disguise their Racism by claiming it's just a logical "helping a group which is a victim of oppression"), when the "representatives" of those they see as "good races" act in even the most Evil of ways the Neoliberals just keep on supporting them far beyond the point to which the argumentation they used in their claims of anti-Racism (such as "helping a group which is a victim of oppression") can stretch.
This is the point at which we are now: their Racism together with the actions of those they see as "representatives" of a "good" race has stretched the Neoliberal "we're really against-Racism" argument so far it uncovered the real dark nature of what lies under it.
Well, it's their community, ain't it?!
If you go into somebody's club, no matter how insane you think it is - say, a Flat Earthers Association, Pizza Is Best With Pineapple Club or some Church or other - and start hanging post-its all over the place criticizing their mad as shit beliefs, they're absolutely entitled to tear them down and kick you out and they'll even have the Moral High Ground doing it since your "right" to loudly be a whiny insulting bitch about somebody else's beliefs doesn't trumpt their right not to have loud whiny bitches insulting them in their space.
Now, if they went after you for your opinions outside of their space, then that's a whole different mater and you would be in the right, but that's not what you're complaining about: you're going into a forum called Late Stage Capitalism to indulge in some "tankie-baiting" and then turn around and whine to the rest of Lemmy about how moderators are such nasty people and shouldn't be allowed to take down your tankie-baiting posts in an anticapitalist forum.
The simplest solution to this specific "problem" is for you to stop going into their space and act like a cunt there because you don't like them. You can even block that forum if it makes you feel bad seeing a post from there in All.
Sorry mate but you just sound like a total wanker trying to find support from the crowd to get away with being a total wanker whenever and wherever you see fit.