I just want to be clear here....are the only positions he recognizes "Western dominance" vs "West against the rest?" Is equal standing really that alien to him?
From the article: "Borrell is known for sporadically making frank comments, admitting inconvenient truths that most European diplomats leave unsaid."
Ah yes, like the inconvenient truth that Europe is a garden and that the garden must be careful that the jungle not encroach upon it. I'm glad they're acknowledging that European diplomats at least think it even if they don't say it; we all knew this was the case but at least they're not pretending otherwise anymore.
Also from the article: "The wars in Ukraine and Gaza, along with the anti-colonial uprisings in Africa’s Sahel region, have “significantly increased this risk” of Europe becoming geopolitically irrelevant, Borrell said, lamenting that “Russia has managed to take advantage of the situation”."
Imagine that, treating other nations with dignity and respect being popular with them. These creatures that dwell in the global South are really enticed by respect and cooperation, it's so amazing how similar they are to the rest of us; do you think maybe they're secretly human beings? We have so much in common, we should really send some scientists to take samples of them and to study them deeply. And those pesky Russians, taking advantage of the fact that we treat (and think of) those in the global South like dirt; they're exploiting the fact that we're awful.
Also, here's a thought, perhaps if you put in your own efforts to oppose neocolonialism, you'd find more eager allies.
How has it become so strange to these people that treating countries in the global South as human beings would make them more amenable; are European governments really this divorced from the human race?