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Cooking, chores (laundry especially), task management at work, reminding me to get up and move, workouts, etc. I use it more than anything else
Almost everyday, cooking, exercise... you name it. Is quite easier to call Siri in the watch than gettin' my phone out of the pocket :D
I use it a lot more now that you can use multiple timers. Fish in the oven, potatoes being boiled, veggies being started right before the meal is ready. There could be laundry going. Various yoga poses or stretching exercises. I actually have it on my watch face lol.
I use it all the time for steeping cups of tea.
Breaks at work, setting the backroom sinks, remembering my tea, or whip cream prep, cooking at home, workout stuff that doesn't require the workout app...
I usually ask Siri to set timers, for cooking or waiting in general.
I use it when cooking - mainly when I use the grill. Always giggle when I tell Siri to label the timer “Flip brats” and it gets set as “Flip brotz”
Everything! But I mostly set timers on my phone since you can use multiple timers at once, and label them.
Naps and planks.
I used to use it a lot for cooking, but since Apple added the Dynamic Island on the iPhone which puts the timer visible without having to leave most apps, I’ve started using my iPhone for that more.
I do still use my Watch timer for naps at work, though. The vibrating alert is perfect without bothering others.
Cooking, mostly.
breaks. cooking.
Laundry cooking for the most part..
Grilling steaks.
Pretty much what everyone has said, plus I use it to time my insulin pre-bolus for myself and my daughter. I also use it to set a timer to check-in on my daughter to make sure she is eating her food.
I can’t tell you (before the watch) how many times I’ve pre-bolused, then completely forgot to eat. I start getting low glucose alerts, then realize what I’ve done.
I previously used to set timers on my phone, but you could only have one at a time.
i set a laundry timer with siri
Lunch break timer, laundry
Every day. Cooking, laundry, and the sanitizer for my baby’s bottles.
Being able to glance down and see how much time I have until one of those things is finished is great.
When I’m deep frying at home lol
All the time! Plus the reminders app on it. Nice to be able to tell Siri to remind me of something and the watch vibrates and reminds me.
Cooking. I’m a housewife, and I love cooking in general, so I use it for staged timers while cooking.
I use the timer a lot. 1) at work when im doing experiments and i need to come back and check on them frequently. 2) to time naps during my lunch break. So i use the timer every day. Also when cooking.
I’ll put 1 soda in the freezer per day for an hour (I don’t keep the fridge stocked of soda otherwise I will drink way too many). I use the timer every day to remind me to take it out so I don’t have a giant mess to clean up lol
Loading barley in our feed tanks . Saves me from going up and down a ladder to see how much is in the tank.
Cooking or if I want to check something after a certain time frame.
I set a timer on my phone but let it ring through to my watch. The interface for setting a watch timer suuuuucks
Yes a lot! Cooking, exercising, and not missing important meetings due to being distracted by whatever's interesting.
Power Nap Timer
Rest between sets
When im cooking..
I use it for rest periods in between sets at the gym.
I work in a lab and sometimes have to do timed experiments or incubations. Incredibly helpful as it doesn’t disturb anyone but me
dying my hair
brushing my teeth
Every day for tea.
Making my coffee immersion style using a Hario Switch daily. Usually 1-3 other times a day when I need a one off alarm that nags more than a reminder or calendar alert.
Steeping tea and timing various cooking times
Boiling eggs 😌
I use it to make sure I get a 2 minutes for both top and bottom teeth. Yes I double the time..
I’m a teacher so I use it all the time for timing things that I want the children to do like writing, reading, taking down homework or group work! So handy!!
All the time. Usually for cooking
I use it for my 30-second warmup and cooldown exercices
Usually to time things.
BBQing on the Traegar mostly. Also for steaks - set timer 7 minutes...
Use it for cooking all the time, mostly hard boiling eggs. 🥚
I use it when I’m at the gym for rest periods
Laundry. 45 minutes per cycle. Works great for me.
Golf referee here… I use the timer(s) to time ball searches, and the stop watch to time players when they are ‘on the clock’ for playing slowly.