I made an appointment with the only psychologist in a hundred miles that didn't have a 2 year wait list in March 2020.
I went there specifically because I was pretty sure I had ADHD and suspected ASD.
She asked me why I was there and I started out, "Well, I suspect I might have ADHD. Beca-"
She interrupted me to say that she knew (I saw her once before years ago, long story) I had a college degree. And therefore I couldn't possibly have ADHD because someone with anything "like that" couldn't possibly have it.
She wouldn't let me get through any of my reasons or listen to me at all. Not the least of which is it took me 10 years to get a 4 year degree.
I left that appointment, went to my GP and said, "I think I have ADHD and here's why."
She said "Yep, sounds like it. Here's Adderall tell me if it helps." (Helps a lot..not completely because also ASD but didn't know at the time)
When I went back the next month for a follow up with my GP she said that the psychologist made a note in my file and that I'm banned from having this medication.
I've never had any substance abuse issues ever. My parents did when they were alive, but I haven't.
I am close to my GP in as much as you can be while maintaining boundaries. We trust each other. She said the psych notes don't match what she knows of me but she was unable to override them. She just...encouraged me to get a second opinion.
Luckily the rise of pandemic telemedicine meant I got an ADHD diagnosis and was properly medicated before the medication shortage.
But I continue to be fucked in the medical system by that one quack psychologist and I don't even know how to move forward pursuing an ASD diagnosis.
She sucked.