This is why Dems struggle, despite all this bullshit because the leadership is these ancient stupid fucks.
I hate chuck
I hate Netanyahu
I hate the genocide to human trafficking pipeline they have going on.
like what the fuck is that
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This is why Dems struggle, despite all this bullshit because the leadership is these ancient stupid fucks.
I hate chuck
I hate Netanyahu
I hate the genocide to human trafficking pipeline they have going on.
like what the fuck is that
Dems recently had a perfect test of whether or not their better nature could overcome their fecklessness. They failed.
Listen we, the Democrats, are pro insider trading and baby killing. If you have a problem with blowing up a hospital full of poor people, then this just isn't the party for you. Fuck you.
If you don't like it, go vote for the other party. That also supports: blowing up hospitals full of poor people, insider trading and baby killing.
Also, fuck you.
Maybe one should hand him the job description, and have him read it again. He seems to have forgotten what his job actually is.
He understands his job. The people voting for him somehow still do not.
I think he knows exactly what his job is about.
I am pro-Israeli the people but not pro-Israel the government maybe it’s because I’m not American but what is he doing to further this goal?
Apparently the survival of America isn't as important.
His job is to pin up the carcass of America to be stripped to the bone while carving out his little bit before the cult fully takes over.
When the feeding is over, he'll just catch a plane flight and get out of the country if things get really bad.
is he trying to be a comedian like his cousin amy schumer? its also the same buzzwords fetterman used it, aka PRO-AIPAC words. as soon as schumer said "the left" you know hes a right winger.
Money talks. According to Open Secrets he received $1,727,974 from pro-Israel lobbyists
Only america calls it lobbying, for the rest of the word its known as corruption.
That's always been my problem with Israel, America writes them blank checks on the regular and even funds their single payer healthcare plans, meanwhile actual citizens of America get table scraps, but only if the Government is filling particularly generous
My sole job as an elected representative is socially engineering acceptance for a foreign population.
I don't think this is the flex he thinks it is.
"Keep" lol.
Keeping the world pro Isreal should really be Benjamin Netanyahu's job. Obviously he's not doing that job though.
If he was serious about that aim, wouldn't he be trying to stop the Palestinian genocide? That's a big factor in why so many people no longer support Israel. Bombing hospitals and daycares is never going to be popular with "your" base, Chuck.
The whole "point" of the Zionist project is to consolidate and expand the Israeli state. The plan has always been to erase Palestine. Stopping the genocide is, in essence, anti-Isarel.
Must be tricky getting lefties to support a fascist religious ethno-state responsible for killing 50000 children in the past year alone.
The pro-Israel propaganda machine is finally starting to falter. What sealed the deal for me is AIPAC going around getting the states to outlaw Israel being boycotted.
Isn't that just treason even if it's an ally? I can't imagine any European leader ever saying "my job is to work for our ally" I publicly - them are guillotine words
The Democratic party is honest to God just entirely summed up with taskfailedsuccessfully.jpg isn't it?
Was this guy born in the US? He's like the most obvious Mossad plant ever. He's literally admitting to it.
Anti-Catholics in the 1960s: "You can't elect JFK to the Presidency! He'll bend his knee to the Pope!"
Liberal Democrats in the 2020s: "We're bending our knee to the Likkud party chairman".
America's so stupid this man is considered left.
He is not considered left by actual leftist Americans. We know he's a corporate shill.
For establishment dems sticking with israel was always more important to them than beating trump, and chucky still cares more about israel than helping americans oppose trump's policies. The dem establishment is such a thorough failure that I hope it goes extinct
thats probably why they strung along trumps case, they never were going to convict him, it made good propaganda for keeping the funding for israel(trump was thier ticket to get continually funded by billionares of both parties, and they more than likely made deals behind the scenes on what they will vote on), and the donations both parties. and people were pointing out how the courts move extremely slowly for trump and extremely fast against luigi.
When will Chuck learn that people are realizing the truth about Israel?
His job is to keep the left pro-genocide?
Lord, I hate establishment Dems.