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The original was posted on /r/cfb by /u/byniri_returns on 2025-03-11 15:31:33+00:00.
I gotta be honest I'm low on Michigan State. These past 3 years (and tbh 6 of the past 7) have been BRUTAL, missing a bowl game in each of the 3 seasons, and I've become jaded. Last year wasn't the worst, but 3 straight years of no bowls is BAD. MSU has always had historical ups-and-downs with the program, but still. If we don't make a bowl game next year, I'm going full doomer. Maybe I'm too critical of the program, maybe it's because I've been seeing how our men's basketball, hockey, and women's basketball teams have found success lately (women's bball less so).
How are you feeling about your team?