Flak cannon from unreal tournament 2004.
Having a shotgun and a long range AOE explosive round was just too much fun.
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Flak cannon from unreal tournament 2004.
Having a shotgun and a long range AOE explosive round was just too much fun.
Farsight from Perfect Dark
What about the laptop turret, that was a fun one!
I almost said the Laptop Gun too. That game was full of cool and original weapons, second only to the Turok series
Compound bow in Crysis, I think it was the third game.
Flak Cannon in Unreal Tournament.
Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2 obviously.
The Thumper from Tribes. Most people went with the Spinfusor because of the linear projectile, but once you learn to account for the arcing shots the Thumper was better.
I’ve spent a lot of time with Halo 3’s Battle Rifle, it remains a favorite to this day and I was overjoyed when I finally got to combine it with a mouse
Railgun, Quake II.
Rocket launcher, Quake III
ASMD, Unreal/Unreal Tournament
Any good stake weapons (Painkiller, FEAR?).
Damn I remember crouching on painkiller so I could stake enemies to the ceiling
The super shotgun in doom 64.
Hagar from Xonotic.
The Heavy's mini gun is so satisfying to use. Just pick a direction and spray.
I especially like Heavy's "bratatata" after a while hahaha
The sub-machine gun with grenade launcher in Half Life. such a vital tool.
MP5 I think. All the weapons in half life were very satisfying to use.
Unreal had a gun that shot saw blades that bounced off of surfaces. That was fun.
The Goo Gun in Fortnite was also great it sprayed a sticky goo that exploded after a few seconds
Ooo, that's inspiring. Maybe my answer should be Sasha...
The bolt thrower in painkiller.
The "huntsman" bow and arrow for the sniper in TF2.
I hacked the Super Shotgun in Quake II to autorepeat quickly and take clips up to 999 large instead of 20 at a time.
Gibs the Makron in about five seconds. (No not that French geezer.)
The Boltgun from Boltgun.
It sounds right, it feels right, it purges right. There is something poetic about pulling the trigger and knowing whatever you direct your fully automatic rocket propelled grenade launcher at will explode in a cloud of gore.
The Seeker from Singularity is greatly under appreciated like the whole game. It fires a steerable bullet and slows time down while doing so.
BTW, any smart asses that want to go "Well Ackchyually" that the gun shoots the whole bullet with the casing, it's based on gyrojet guns.
The kritzkreig from tf2. It does no damage, it actually does negative damage. But when you hit that switch, oooooo
I used to roll with the G3 in Battlefield 2.
Also the DMR from Halo Reach is a favourite.
There's been a lot of fun ones. The battle for second place is bloody and impossible to call, but the number one spot belongs only to the BFG.