I don't, they're everywhere
Dull Men's Club
An unofficial chapter of the popular Dull Men's Club.
1. Relevant commentary on your own dull life. Posts should be about your own dull, lived experience. This is our most important rule. Direct questions, random thoughts, comment baiting, advice seeking, many uses of "discuss" rarely comply with this rule.
2. Original, Fresh, Meaningful Content.
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4. This is not a search engine
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5. Keep it dull. If it puts us to sleep, it’s on the right track. Examples of likely not dull: jokes, gross stuff (including toes), politics, religion, royalty, illness or injury, killing things for fun, or promotional content. Feel free to post these elsewhere.
6. No hate speech, sexism, or bullying No sexism, hate speech, degrading or excessively foul language, or other harmful language. No othering or dehumanizing of anyone or negativity towards any gender identity.
7. Proofread before posting. Use good grammar and punctuation. Avoid useless phrases. Some examples: - starting a post with "So" - starting a post with pointless phrases, like "I hope this is allowed" or “this is my first post” Only share good quality, cropped images. Do not share screenshots of images; share the original image.
Like that photo.
I only keep one spare of each type.
I use cable ties to keep them coiled
Into nooses.
I used to have a big plastic tub that I just tossed all the cables into. After a few years, it was literally all one piece; no matter where you pulled, the entire thing would come out. It took 5 minutes of untangling to get anything out. My brother called it an abomination.
I bag each type separately, as you do. I have fewer audio cables, so they are also bagged in the same bin, quarter and eighth inch phone cables separately. No Apple stuff. Extras like DE9 serial and MIDI cables. IEC power cables are in the bin, extension cords coiled, hanging from the basement ceiling.
It's the one with the spare cables in it is how it's organized. I think there's an old clock, an airbrush and a couple long expired sectional charts in there.
I have a few small totes. I have a few categories: USB, networking, computer internals (SATA), power, A/V. From there, I just coil them up and hope for the best. I still have to hunt a little to find stuff, but the vague categories makes it a lot easier.
I just get a big ziplock and stuff cables in it till its full and get a new one.
I just go through looking for a cable by going "hmm would this be a 2015-2020 cable or a 2010-2015 cable?"
My system is undoubtedly flawed, but it works well enough to not fix it.
Clear plastic bins full of toilet paper rolls with the cables folded and inserted so that both ends stick out upwards. Keeps everything tidy and visible at a glance.
Mine is a cable storage tub, but same way. Baggies.
went to a shoe shop and asked them for old shoe boxes. now i have free cardboard boxes, all the same size and easy stackable.
Nice! So far I have a box of bags, vaguely sorted by function
Three drawers, divided into USB, A/V, and power supply/adaptors.
I have a 5 gallon bucket 3/4 full with just USB cables of all types.