Toiletpaper-rolls works 👍
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Oh, that is brilliant!
no brilliant, only dull
Right, sorry, I got carried away.
Which this solution is. No excitement or other problems. Just grab a cable and off you go.
This is very clever.
That's a great hack. Reduces the cleanup of having them zip tied together too. Grab and go
What did you do with all that toilet paper, though?
Shit on it
You'll make the bidet people cry
You can use a bidet to keep the cables in, too
That's a great idea, plus you can label them on the outside of the roll!
I mostly use assorted small cardboard boxes – usually from computer peripherals.
I joined the conversation only to post this question. To it, you beat me
You guys have drawers??
I just noticed the empty drawer just below the pile.
The plastic box?
Sweet harmonica.
Shit, THAT'S where that thing has been.
Thanks :)
For those that haven't yet discovered them, reusable cable ties exist. They make keeping cables properly coiled a lot easier. No more rat kings!
Wait, you're supposed to organize your spare cables??
Are you kidding me? I have 21 drawers of cables and bs.
(Not all of these are filled / bottom right are empty)
I was about to ask if you could show off some of your assorted cables, then I couldn't stop thinking of Professor Farnsworth
Prof. Farnsworth: Let me show you around. That’s my lab table and this is my work-stool. And over there is my intergalactic spaceship! And here’s where I keep assorted lengths of wire.
Fry: Whoa! A real live spaceship!
Prof. Farnsworth: I designed it myself. Let me show you some of the different lengths of wire I used.
There is no better way. Any more structure, like hooks or dividers, reduces the usable storage space.
Label your ziplocs and call it a day.
Michael's store sells thee 16 5x7 photo organizers in a carry case.
It's called Simply Tidy: Photo and Craft Keeper. Also fits 3.5 inch HDDs.
Mine are just chucked in with no organisation whatsoever. If I want a cable I have to search the entire box and untangle it from all the other cables.
Or buy one then realise you already have several in that tangled mess.
Usually it's, "I'm sure I've got one of these", can't find it, buy new one, find it somewhere else whilst waiting for the new one to turn up.
Rubber band everything and throw them in a series of different drawers of varying sizes with a vague organizational scheme
Shockingly similar. Ziplocs with labels.
my bags are transparent so i didnt label them.
Ponytail hair rubber bands. soft on the cables, reusable, cheap...
It's a box. It's full of cables.
Loose in box that u have to go digging through to find anything. Its the technological version of a rat king. I did go through it lat week and threw out 90% of the shit. I found cables I didn't even know existed.
Its kinda a useless box now since the only 3 cables I need in my life are USBC HDMI and power.
Just wait. In 3 days you're going to need that null modem cable and it's going to ruin you.
I prefer a more stochastic approach.
I have all the "USB-A to ?" cables rubber banded together at the opposite end. That way I can find the non USBA side that I need quickly.
velcro ties, in fabric grocery bags
I use a combination of zip lock bags and small cardboard boxes with the contents written on the outside.