Climate - truthful information about climate, related activism and politics.
Discussion of climate, how it is changing, activism around that, the politics, and the energy systems change we need in order to stabilize things.
As a starting point, the burning of fossil fuels, and to a lesser extent deforestation and release of methane are responsible for the warming in recent decades:
How much each change to the atmosphere has warmed the world:
Recommended actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the near future:
Anti-science, inactivism, and unsupported conspiracy theories are not ok here.
Guillotines could cut the economy in half too; I think we may be ready for that
Oh no! Not ~~rich people's yacht money~~ the economy!
Well there will be less people. ...maybe by half
It'll be the other half too if we don't figure out a final solution to the billionaire question.
I'm almost wondering if it's looking like the Final Solution to the global warming issue. The oligarchs are all entirely aware that this is a major problem, hence why most of them have their fantasy bunkers prepped and ready to go. The funny part is, they are too short sighted to understand that it'll only last for upwards of maybe a year or so unless they have an entire economy running down there (and none of those bunkers are equipped for it).
If we don't act, it will cut the economy to zero.