Workers are being exploited??!? Quickly, someone write this down!
No foul language - i.e. French 🤮
Obviously satire, dozy wankers
He must have farted and the air bubble allowed him to get a glimpse of the outside world.
Nope way worse, he's only realising and bringing this up because he owns a farm. If he didn't have that self interest he wouldn't be saying anything about it.
Oh. The fart was just him talking out of his ass like usual.
For people who don't know how agriculture works:
Grainaries buy from farmers, high supply and low local demand. Grainaries generally don't have competition. That means grainaries set the price and farmers don't have any negotiating power.
The grainary is now in charge of one thing and one thing only: logistics. The grains need to be distributed over a vast amount of distance, usually by train or by boat. You almost never see a grain elevator unless it is adjacent a railroad.
"Mind you I'm just a simple country farmer, but..."
Clarkson is going to Waitrose to get fancy bread. Aldi sell it for 45p. 25p to the farmer leaves just 20p which is split between transport, processing and what ever profit Aldi are taking out of it.