Now think about the fact that we lock people up based on eyewitness testimony....
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Don't be mean. I promise to do my best to judge that fairly.
We do know how things taste, sound, look, smell, feel, etc because those are all subjective concepts of perception. Without us, the physical phenomena we sense don’t do any of those things.
That's ridiculous. Our perspection is fully acceptable as proof of reality. The fact is that as our perception is limited, we are limited in our knowledge of the reality of things. Somehow mantis have an access to the reality of things we don't have and that dog don't have. And through their sense of hearing dogs have an access to the reality we don't have.
Materialism is believing chemicals in your brain are chemicals in your brain because that's what the chemicals in your brain told you they were, and that what you can personally measure is all there is despite the fact that we keep finding shit we literally cannot measure.
Eh? What's your point?
My point? I don't have a point. It's just a philosophical concept related to what you've described. Have a read, you might find it interesting. Otherwise ignore. 👍
Happy New Year! 🎆
Sorry I just don't see the connection between "Your brain is lying to you" and "You are the only real person."
Eyedea and Abilities - Powdered Water Too (1)
Give it a listen
Imma invent a new image format that just counts all of the photons and their wavelengths
I discovered that what we think is real is only what we perceive and behind that is just an empty void when I had a particularly strong acid trip
"nothing really tastes [etc], it's just your brain's interpretation"
1 that brain is you
2 the interpretation constitutes the fact that it tastes or whatever, what else could that even mean?
If that's where that person ends up after "thinking too much"..
"A little learning is a dang'rous thing; Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, And drinking largely sobers us again."