“Is this an indication that we may be closer to seeing a readily transmitted virus between people? No,” Osterholm said. “Right now, this is a key that sits in the lock, but it doesn’t open the door.”
This is crazy amounts of cope
What is Doomer? :(
It is a nebulous thing that may include but is not limited to Climate Change posts or Collapse posts.
Include sources when applicable for doomer posts, consider checking out [email protected] once in awhile.
“Is this an indication that we may be closer to seeing a readily transmitted virus between people? No,” Osterholm said. “Right now, this is a key that sits in the lock, but it doesn’t open the door.”
This is crazy amounts of cope
During the height of covid I started to skim articles first and if they looked like copium - close the tab. I was becoming an insane person. I didn't read the article I posted because I assumed it would fill me with anger. So much reportage is so bad because of the - cough - virus of American exceptionalism.
How bad and/or informative is it?
its pretty much a stump article tbh, barely any content at all
It's a good thing I didn't read it.
I made that about a week ago. I get the sense I could post it nearly every day in c/doomer.
seems crazy to pretend that we can catch it from an animal as genetically distant to us as a bird but that we couldn't catch it from a fellow human.
Check that video I posted, it's currently transferring through the eyes, because that's where we're most similar. Explaining why people are getting conjunctivitis.
I have already been hearing this called the “plandemic”, that it’s all Biden trying to “sabotage Trump from saving the country”, and they can’t wait for Trump to get into office and “shut down the CDC” so they “stop creating these diseases”.
We are in for a wild ride.
We are in for a wild ride.
I hate rollercoasters.
considering the cia's funding of ecohealth alliance, i can't help but wonder at the timing of covid19. Perhaps all coincidental, but certainly biden would not have won if not for covid, plus it gave him a convenient excuse to stay in his basement and hide his dementia.
Oh boy I can't wait until this thing starts going buckwild and Trump immediately signs an executive order to make masks illegal and establish a quota on how many times we have to cough into each other's open mouths each day
He'll just blame it on China like he did with COVID, and now Panama rn saying it's a Chinese military base.
Trump quickly signs the "See oh me dee total" bill. CIEOOMEDTOTL of course stands for COUGH INTO EACH OTHER'S OPEN MOUTHS EACH DAY TO OWN THE LIBS.
Right now CNN has a segment on bird flu mutations. MSNBC is talking about holiday sales.
I guess MSNBC is hoping bird flu stuff can be mostly left on the back burner until Biden is out of office.
This lady is not a doctor, but she shares some pretty good takes. Her metaphor of kindling waiting for a spark to start a wildfire is pretty good.