I had to put my dog of 15 years down at the beginning of the year, she was my everything, the first and last person I spoke to every day, the reason I'm still alive today, I was broken for months, I think about her every single day, I miss her with every atom in my body and I don't think that will ever go away.
Don't let any one tell you how to and how long you mourn the loss of your friend, there are a lot of people who don't understand the connection between a person and their long time friend and they can get fucked, fuck em, they don't know shit about it so don't worry.
You've had a lot of loss but you'll get through it, it will suck like hell, but you will get through this, you won't ever stop thinking about your girl, but you will go back to feeling joy instead of sadness over time when you think of her.
We're a pretty good community here on Lemmy, so if you need to chat about it or whatever one of us will be here.
Just remember that how ever much you loved her, she loved you 10 fold back.