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Maybe they need to stop reusing old Sunny D jugs for storing insect repellent.
or insect repellant
Looking at the article the insect repellant bottle looks a lot like a juice bottle, but still
The bottle with the big "CAUTION BITE SHIELD 🛡" on it?
Yes that one
I don't think the restaurant should have done that. But that's my personal opinion.
Why do you hate free enterprise so much?
How is that even possible to begin with?
I mean insect repellent is not bought in bottles with screw on caps? It is a spray. How do you serve that?
You read the article, and look at the pictures.
Looks tasty
insert some joke about Aussie fauna
That idiot, those glasses were for the giant fly sitting in the corner booth.
This would be a slam-dunk lawsuit here in the states