Anime - Socialism with Kawaii Characteristics
Welcome to Lemmygrad's corner dedicated to anime memes and discussion! (manga/manhua/manhwa/donghua/aeni count too)
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Try to keep it left; memes don't need to be socialist in nature, but it'd be nice if we could keep the discussions that way.
Posts do not necessarily need to be about anime memes, they can also be about other things related to anime, or having an 'anime' art style.
Try to provide sources for the images you post.
There's nothing else for now. We hope you have a great time!
Art by ΛHRIMΛN (Dmitry Grozov)
Established 2022-04-04
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Not gonna rank because I'm lazy:
Gurren Lagann - there's just something awesome about a story where the hero is a literal nobody (and doesn't turn into a chosen one) that manages to succeed against all odds by sheer force of will and the friends they made along the way. Also the robots are powered by your fighting spirit, so yeah.
Kaguya-sama: it's funny and they actually get together so it's great ~~the manga is better though~~
Shiki - scary story where the characters actually use their brains
Yu-Gi-Oh - other then the Yugi story it isn't that great but I love it
Violet Evergarden - it was one of the greatest things until that very weird shonen ending
5cm per second - it's just great. I don't even know what to say honestly
Danganronpa - the ending season is cool but I much prefer the games. Either way the character designs are awesome.
Ghost in the shell(the movie) - it's insane how it has both plenty of action and very deep themes of what a human and artificial life really can be.
Full metal alchemist - all I'll say is that I actually liked both stories they made.
Girls und Panzer - it's anime girls fighting with tanks. It's cute, the tanks are awesome and faithful to their real life counterparts, and the music is incredible.