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[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 years ago (3 children)

leftcom memes are always so divisive and great

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 years ago (2 children)

I thought you’d approve BASED_BALL, it’s a great source of memes to start struggle sessions and annoy almost everyone on this site equally.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 years ago (1 children)

So, like all of you, I didn’t care about politics or philosophy at all until hearing Bernie Sanders speak. I’d never given socialism or communism much thought until that little bird landed on the podium during his speech and I watched it and wow! Health care, education, a minimum wage, all for 27 bucks? Wild

I soon discovered however, through the World Wide Web, that Sanders was actually a steaming opportunitistic pile of garbage (as is Chomsky), that none of these half-assed SocDem measures would lead to anything positive, and that my history-major-friend’s definition of socialism as “democratic control of the means of production” is not what Marx wrote. Like at all.

So I did more research. I joined r/socialism and looked through some threads about different types of socialists. I didn’t like the whole uniform/dress code aspect of MLM, I’m gluten intolerant so Anarchism was out of the picture and I had been turned off to Trotskyism because of the prevalence of “Fake News” circulating in The Media (if anything we need way, way less newspapers).

I was rapidly drawn to Left Communism because of how the ideology didn’t show up in too many posts and when it did, people seemed to fucking hate it. I loved the divisive nature and obscurity. Marx, Lenin, Luxemburg, Mao… they’re all pretty mainstream and popular. But telling my friends I read Bordiga or Dauvé?! They had no idea who that was (I’ve actually only ever skimmed the Manifesto and just get most info from memes).

So yeah, that’s how I joined the real movement to abolish the present state of things. Anyone else share this particular path to the armchair? Or are there other reasons you like Left Communism?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 years ago

Was MLM. Hated left-coms. Always told me shit like, "there's no such thing as socialist commodity production you fuck." Feelings hurt. Locked myself up. Didn't talk to anyone for days. Made me more sad, 'cause I could've been doing activism. Threw my Little Red Book across the room. Hit another book. Enter Marx. Start reading him. Read him more. Read him harder. Click. Light switch on. Youreekuh. The real movement abolished my present state of thinking. Realized the party can't decide the form of revolution. Life changed. Left my room. Tattooed RUTH CRIT on my knuckles and bought an armchair. Philosophy major now.