this post was submitted on 02 Jan 2025
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[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Spoils of warYeah as I said I can excuse the inches because that is fairly common knowledge. But honestly I don't recall ever buying something by an actual dozen in a bakery.

JurorsAfaik this is how jury duty works where I live so yeah...

Sodniki porotniki v kazenskem postopku

Kadar gre za kazniva dejanja, za katera je zagrožena kazen zapora do 15 let, je senat sestavljen iz treh članov, in sicer enega poklicnega sodnika in dveh sodnikov porotnikov.

Kadar gre za težja kazniva dejanja, za katera je zagrožena kazen zapora 15 let in več, pa sodi veliki senat, ki ga sestavlja pet članov, in sicer dva poklicna sodnika in trije sodniki porotniki.
Judges and jurors in criminal proceedings

 In the case of crimes punishable by imprisonment of up to 15 years, the panel consists of three members, namely one professional judge and two lay judges.

 When it comes to more serious crimes, which are punishable by a prison sentence of 15 years or more, the trial is conducted by a grand panel consisting of five members, namely two professional judges and three lay judges.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Yeah there's a reason I specifically said in Common Law jurisdictions. The nature of the law is too different in Civil Law to be able to compare the two. (I actually looked up Slovenian law just in case it was a common law system, but didn't go further once I learnt it was not.)