Universe would die before monkey with keyboard writes Shakespeare, study finds
General discussions about "science" itself
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Maybe the monkey can be a little less of a dick, for science?!
It could make a decent blockbuster though, hear me out:
Trailervoiceguy: In a world on the brink of annihilation, one monkey holds the key to survival.
Typewriter clicketyclacks and monkey ooh-ooh-aahs
Editor (played by award-winning method actor Daniel Day-Lewis): This a garbage, monkey, we can't publish this! Earth is doomed!
*More clicketyclacks *
Trailervoiceguy: This summer, the question is.......
Trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: To be......
Louder trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: .... or not.....
Very loud trailer horns
Trailervoiceguy: TO MONKEY!
Silence, then slowmotion monkey noises somehow