
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In-book, Holden's eloquence is part of his villainy, he's the dang devil 😈

And the other characters are heavily contrasted with this

The kid's terseness is a mild parody of B-movie westerns. Looking at a severed head, ''he spat and wiped his mouth. He aint no kin to me, he said.''

And as the author, mccarthy has a stylistic purpose to writing that way outside of the holden character

This latest book is his most important, for it puts in perspective the Faulknerian language and unprovoked violence running through the previous works, which were often viewed as exercises in style or studies of evil. ''Blood Meridian'' makes it clear that all along Mr. McCarthy has asked us to witness evil not in order to understand it but to affirm its inexplicable reality; his elaborate language invents a world hinged between the real and surreal, jolting us out of complacency.

Quotes are from nyt's 1985 review https://www.nytimes.com/1985/04/28/books/blood-meridian-by-cormac-mccarthy.html

My point being, don't go pretending you are the devil or pretending you are Cormac type guy that's cringe

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

The ep where Mulder doesn't believe in aliens anymore and pisses off the other ufo conference attendees by explaining that UFOs are a psyop that provides cover for actual gov black ops :very-smart:


After the truck attack on the Reno fnb mealshare last week i was looking at the wikipedia list page for "murdered anarchists".

On the page for Brad Will , an American killed during the 2006 Oaxaca protests, I noticed this line:

Beginning in the summer of 1991, he was a regular attendee at the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, the summer writing program of Naropa University and was a teaching assistant to Peter Lamborn Wilson (a.k.a. Hakim Bey)

Dusty ravers and CHAZ-watchers will know Wilson as the anarchist writer who described the Temporary Autonomous Zone.

The book describes the socio-political tactic of creating temporary spaces that elude formal structures of control.[1] The essay uses various examples from history and philosophy, all of which suggest that the best way to create a non-hierarchical system of social relationships is to concentrate on the present and on releasing one's own mind from the controlling mechanisms that have been imposed on it.

In the formation of a temporary autonomous zone, Bey argues, information becomes a key tool that sneaks into the cracks of formal procedures. A new territory of the moment is created that is on the boundary line of established regions. Any attempt at permanence that goes beyond the moment deteriorates to a structured system that inevitably stifles individual creativity. It is this chance at creativity that is real empowerment.

Wilson also defended pederasty and wrote poems for NAMBLA as anarcho-pedophile intellectual and mystic "Hakim Bey"

In his essay “Obsessive Love” (Moorish Science Monitor, Vol. 7, #5, Summer 1995), in which he pretends to be quite the classical scholar, he talks about ancient religious views on romantic and obsessive love. “The Greco-Egypto-Islamic ferment adds a pederastic [i.e. paedophile] element... the ideal woman of romance is neither wife nor concubine but someone in the forbidden category...” He uses the term “spiritual alchemy” for witnessing the “Devine Beloved in certain beautiful boys,” and remarks that, “since all homosexuality is forbidden in Islamic law, a boy-loving sufi has no ‘safe’ category for sensual realisation.”

Pressing the anarcho-paedophile cause in another way, Wilson (Bey) reviewed the reprint of the late 19th century German-based anarchist John Henry Mackay’s book Fenny Skaller and Other Poems, etc.. Bey’s essay was entitled “ Man-Boy Love Novel Still Relevant 100 Years On.” (NAMBLA Bulletin April 1989). In “Obsessive Love,” Bey again invokes Mackay (1864–1933), whose paedophilia was never known to other anarchist writers during his life: “I admit to a philosophical preference for Mackay’s position...” [which means the] “ giving up of all false chivalry and self-denying dandyism in favour of more ‘pagan’ and convivial modes of love.” He closes the essay with his clearest anarcho-paedophile statement: “it has taken on a tantalising reality and filtered into my life in certain Temporary Autonomous Zones an impossible time and space and on this brief hint, all my theory is based.” What he means by this is that he really has sex with children, rather than leaving the matter to fantasy, and that this is his purpose when he preaches anarchism.


Anyways, the wikipedia page for the Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics starts with:

The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics is a school of Naropa University, located in Boulder, Colorado, United States. It was founded in 1974 by Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman, as part of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche’s 100-year experiment[citation needed].

Breezing past the mention of notable NAMBLA member Allen Ginsberg, I was curious about Tibetan Buddhist Chögyam Trungpa

He is credited with popularizing esoteric Vajrayana ("Secret Mantra" or Tantric Buddhism) in the west

In 1974, Trungpa founded the Naropa Institute, which later became Naropa University, in Boulder, Colorado. Naropa was the first accredited Buddhist university in North America. Trungpa hired Allen Ginsberg to teach poetry and William Burroughs to teach literature.

In contrast to its traditional presentation in Tibet, where the esoteric practices are largely the domain of the monastic sangha, in the US Trungpa introduced the Vajrayana to the lay sangha.[32]

The presentation of these teachings gave rise to some criticism. According to Trungpa's former student Stephen Butterfield, "Trungpa told us that if we ever tried to leave the Vajrayana, we would suffer unbearable, subtle, continuous anguish, and disasters would pursue us like furies".[33]

Butterfield noted "disquieting resemblances" to cults: "to be part of Trungpa's inner circle, you had to take a vow never to reveal or even discuss some of the things he did."

Trungpa also had sexual relations with students, drank alcohol and used cocaine to excess, and at a seminary retreat once infamously employed his "Vajra Guard" to force entry into a barricaded room belonging to a couple, who were then made to attend a "party" and eventually strip naked against their will

Unfortunately his chosen heir was not much better (Worse?)

Trungpa's choice of Westerner Ösel Tendzin as his dharma heir was controversial, as Tendzin was the first Western Tibetan Buddhist lineage holder and Vajra Regent. This was exacerbated by Tendzin's own behavior as lineage holder. While knowingly HIV-positive, Tendzin was sexually involved with students, one of whom became infected and died.[102]


I excitedly picked up David Graeber's final posthumous book Pirate Enlightenment, or the Real Libertalia on the weekend, but i was horrified to discover in writing this post that Wilson/Bey also wrote about "pirate utopias"


edit: just checked the bibliography and it has Wilson's book




This week’s federal budget quietly cut the support offered by the Canada Student Grant program, which is designed to support low-income and marginalized students, from a maximum of $6,000 per year to $4,200 per year.

However, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland used creative math and confusing language to present the cut as a $1,200 “increase” in support for struggling students.

Buried in the 2023 Budget, the federal government indicates it is cutting the Canada Student Grant from $6,000 per year to $3,000 per year, but also simultaneously offering an “enhancement” of $1,200.

In other words, after cutting the grant from $6,000 to $3,000 and adding $1,200, the grant now works out to $4,200 – or, an effective cut of $1,800 per year from what students had been receiving since 2020:

“When COVID-19 disrupted students’ lives, the federal government responded by doubling Canada Student Grants — income-tested support that hardworking, ambitious young people receive when the cost of going to school is out of reach for them and their parents. This meant students could receive up to $6,000 in up-front, non-repayable aid each school year, for three years starting in the 2020-21 school year. This support is currently set to expire on July 31, 2023. But with life costing more and with students still in need of support to afford an education, the government knows it is important that students can afford to pursue their dreams.”

Despite cutting Canada Student Grants by $1,800 per year, the budget describes the cut as “increasing Canada Student Grants by 40 per cent – providing up to $4,200 for full-time students.”

Elsewhere, the “fiscally responsible” Budget promises to find cuts to other programs by 2026.

Specifically, The budget resolves to“reduce government spending by $7 billion over four years, starting in 2024-25, and $2.4 billion ongoing,” and “work with federal Crown corporations to ensure they achieve comparable spending reductions.”

All told, the budget plans for total cuts of $14.5 billion in public spending.



The data showed two pharmacies accounted for 88 per cent of B.C.'s Ozempic sales to American residents. Dix said both businesses were in Metro Vancouver, but did not name them.

Ninety-five per cent of prescriptions to those pharmacies were written in Nova Scotia, data showed


VICTORIA — British Columbia wants a federal government clampdown on prescription rules after thousands of doses of the hyped weight loss drug Ozempic went to Americans, doled out by a single practitioner in Nova Scotia.

Health Minister Adrian Dix said Tuesday that he's asking provincial and federal regulators to look into two Metro Vancouver pharmacies and the Nova Scotia practitioner responsible for thousands of Ozempic prescriptions issued to Americans in the first two months of 2023.

In the first two months of 2023, Dix said upwards of 15 per cent of Ozempic prescriptions in B.C. were being filled for American patients who receive the medication by mail.

Dix said the situation involving Ozempic is "unacceptable," and noted that less than half a per cent of other drugs in B.C. are prescribed to non-residents.


A Critique of Chomsky's Language Acquisition Theory by Kim Chol Ho, from "Korean Language & Literature" DPRK 2016

:juche-boi: :chomsky-yes-honey:


after finishing Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian I was surprised to learn that not just the setting of the novel but also some specific characters and events had been adapted from historical sources

the novel's Glanton Gang segment is populated by characters and events based on the 1856 memoir My Confession: The Recollections of a Rogue by Samuel Chamberlain, a soldier, painter, and author who allegedly rode with the real-life John Glanton's gang between 1849-1850.

a passage from Chamberlain's memoir is also the source of the novel's infamous Judge Holden character:

spoiler CW

The second in command, now left in charge of the camp, was a man of gigantic size called "Judge" Holden of Texas. Who or what he was no one knew but a cooler blooded villain never went unhung; he stood six feet six in his moccasins, had a large fleshy frame, a dull tallow colored face destitute of hair and all expression. His desires was blood and women, and terrible stories were circulated in camp of horrid crimes committed by him when bearing another name, in the Cherokee nation and Texas; and before we left Fronteras a little girl of ten years was found in the chapperal, foully violated and murdered. The mark of a huge hand on her little throat pointed him out as the ravisher as no other man had such a hand, but though all suspected, no one charged him with the crime.

Holden was by far the best educated man in northern Mexico; he conversed with all in their own language, spoke in several Indian lingos, at a fandango would take the Harp or the Guitar from the hands of the musicians and charm all with his wonderful performance and out-waltz any poblana of the ball. He was “plum center” with a rifle or revolver, a daring horseman, acquainted with the nature of all the strange plants and their botanical names, great in geology and mineralogy, in short another Admirable Crichton, and with all an arrant coward.

Not but that he possessed enough courage to fight Indians and Mexicans or anyone else where he had the advantage in strength, skill, and weapons. But where the combat would be equal, he would avoid it if possible. I hated him at first sight and he knew it, yet nothing could be more gentle and kind than his deportment towards me: He would often seek conversation with me and speak of Massachusetts and to my astonishment I found he knew more about Boston than I did.[5]

while the memoir is the only primary source directly attesting to a historical Judge Holden, and admittedly uses an exaggerated literary style popular of the time, amateur historical researchers have still tried to identify candidates that may have been the man Chamberlain wrote about, or merely inspired him:


