Mine does this too. The combo of the noise of the coffee maker and the smell probably reinforces the routine.
That would fail Occam's Razor. Furthermore, the article talks about iron.
Cinnabar is actually super rare. I've spent half my life doing mineral exploration and have never seen it in the wild anywhere. I've only ever seen samples in the lab or in a museum.
This seems to be mostly a problem for publicly traded companies. There are exceptions. But if you look at airlines, the pattern is there.
They should be considered infrastructure. Infrastructure can pay a dividend to shareholders, but you shouldn't be able to speculate on shares.
I don't think so. At least not with the unique expedition reward eggs.
But, build a base on a planet with a cool companion. After the expedition ends, your base will still exist and you can teleport there.
Yes. It's about a year away
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is an interesting one. It is based off a Japanese novel (debatable whether it is one long novel or a series, but that is a digression) that is okay ish. But the show does a pretty decent job of it, and many actually consider the show to be the better form. It's pretty long, like 110 episodes (from memory, could be wrong) and occasionally it veers into petty politicking a little too much for my liking. But it's really interesting from a tactical point of view in a way that no other sci Fi has attempted. It's very fuedal naval empires in space. Master and Commander stuff.
Worth it. Give it a few episodes to let the show grow on you. The art style will throw you off initially, but after a little bit it seems normal.
We could stack export tariffs on there. Bureaucratically difficult since we currently don't really do export tariffs. But it would be an interesting political response.
Actual artporn. Also, loving the writeups
Canada wouldn't be allowed to vote, presuming elections still existed. It's just expansionism at the end of the Republic.
One of my favourite authors wrote one of my favourite articles: "Am I a bad feminist?" By Margaret Atwood
https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/am-i-a-bad-feminist/article37591823/ (view in incognito mode or similar to bypass paywall)
Quoting: "We are acceptable neither to Right nor to Left. In times of extremes, extremists win. Their ideology becomes a religion, anyone who doesn't puppet their views is seen as an apostate, a heretic or a traitor, and moderates in the middle are annihilated."
The topic of her essay is not relevant to this particular topic, but the quote resonates nevertheless.
I was trying to keep my comment short(ish), but you're not wrong. There are other complications :)
We are doomed