
joined 9 months ago

I bought a new 1st gen SE back in 2017 or so which served me very well for many years.

By 2022 the battery had noticeably degraded so I sent it off to Apple for replacement. Instead of replacing the battery, they sent me back a replacement phone.

Within less than a year this replacement was far worse than my original phone. It would eat 20-30% of battery just checking news/weather for 20 minutes or so in the morning. It would crash and restart (or crash and lose all charge completely) at any point below about 30% battery health.

But the strange thing is that the battery health diagnostic was still very high throughout this year - around 90% or so.

Anyway I successfully argued for Apple to send me a replacement replacement. I've had this one for about four weeks and it's already doing the same things.

Have I been sent two duds in a row or is this just the 1st gen SE experience these days with newer software?