
joined 11 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

First wired is always better and you can get creative with how to do it. Don’t give up on it.

I was just at my in laws and they were having problems streaming from my Plex server. Ran a wire and no more problems. I can’t explain it because the ATV was in the same room as the WAP. But hours of troubleshooting and a $7 cord fixed it.

But yes, 6e/7 could help because it opens 6 GHz, which will help with neighbor interference. No idea on that roadmap though. Is it rumored? It may not be worth waiting for. ATV has never been bleeding edge and Apple is early in its 6e adoption. I would definitely say it’s desirable though for a wireless ATV.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

Still milking the access journalism gravy train, I see. Speaking strictly of his schtick, and not calling him a journalist.