
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)


ich kann alte deutsche Schriften lesen und glaube dass ich dir helfen kann. Ich bin mir relativ sicher dass es

"Ludwig Hermann(n)"

heißt. Es ist allerdings schwer zu lesen, was ich darauf zurückführen würde, dass es in einen Stein geritzt wurde. Kurrent wurde für speziell für Federhalter und Papier entwickelt.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 8 months ago (1 children)

Also ich arbeite in einer bayerischen Behörde und wir haben kein Faxgerät mehr. Wie beschrieben wird uns eine E-Mail zugestellt wenn ein Fax herein kommt. Und im Extremfall könnten wir per E-Mail auch ein Fax rausschicken. Kommt allerdings in der Praxis kaum mehr zum Einsatz.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Danke dir, ich tue mein bestes...

[–] [email protected] 12 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Bei mir war diese Woche der absolute Höhepunkt meines mit Abstand beschissesten Jahres meines Lebens. Die Frau mit der ich mein Leben verbringen wollte ist samt meiner beiden Kinder ausgezogen.

Im Februar hat mir meine Frau ohne Vorwarnung mitgeteilt, dass sie mich nicht mehr liebt und die Scheidung will. Wir waren 13 Jahre zusammen, davon 6 Jahre verheiratet, zwei Kinder im Alter von 2 und 4 Jahren und ich bin hochverschuldet, weil ich uns meinen historischen Bauernhof kernsaniert habe.

Im weiteren Verlauf kam die Diagnose Hauttumor oben drauf, ein Aufenthalt in der Geschlossenen, mein Auto wurde von einer Freundin geschrottet, mein Versicherer verklagt auf Versicherungsbetrug, meine Tante ist an Blutkrebs gestorben und meine Anwältin erfreut mich mit einer Hiobsbotschaft nach der nächsten.

Jetzt wohne ich allein auf 300 m², bin völlig überarbeitet, trotzdem pleite und versuche irgendwie noch die Zeit zu finden ein guter Papa zu sein.

Ich kann wirklich kaum mehr erwarten dass dieses Drecksjahr vorbei geht...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I had a Spitz Nevis, which has the same appearance as an amelanotic melanoma, which in this stage would most likely have been spread in the whole body.

I've insisted to go to a couples therapist and we did. From the beginning she said she's only here to find out how to best manage the break-up. Nevertheless the therapist was optimistic that we could work this out. But she didn't want to, even after weeks.

I asked her a lot, as i'm a pretty openminded guy who can openly talk about bis feelings, fears and wishes. She is the opposite. The only thing i geht to hear is that she suddenly doesn't love me any more and that she needed more help with the kids. As i said i have to work a lot. From the therapist i got informed, that she never learned to express her real feelings, that she's still a child, which never learned to stand on her own feet and never accomplished anything in her life. And now she wants to grow up and become an adult und be independent. She's 34, but now i understand that he was right...

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Why not, here's my story:

This year is by far the worst of my life. But before i start this was my life so far:

I'm 37, male and live in Germany. So far my life was a nice life: i worked a lot, made my college degree, studied, finished as master of science in engineering and now i work in a well paid job for the goverment, which i really like. When i started studying i met my third girlfriend which became the love of my life. We've been together for 13 years, 6 of it married. We have two incredible sweet kids, a 5 yo daughter and a 3 yo son. My family owns a small farmstead build in 1845 which a renovated in the last 5 years to a incredible nice and warm home. There my wife started freelancing as a gardener and selling vegetables and fruits at our own farmshop and local farmers markets.

Of course we had our ups and downs as pretty much every couple. But our life was simply great. At least for me...

This year everything went down to shit. In january my wife had a big life-crisis where she decided without any fortelling that she wants a divorce and she's taking the kids and wants to move out. Out of nowhere and there's no talking or whatsoever. Under German law and our special situation this means i lose pretty much all my money, my kids and if she really wants to also my farm which is in my family for generations. And of course the love of my life, for whom i would do anything....

So when it was finally over in April i had suicidal thoughts and spend a week in a mental hospital. I was an really dark place right then.

But this wasn't all: one month later my doctor called that i have a pretty rare kind of skin tumor, which can either be harmless or sure death. At this point i didn't even care any more. But after weeks they found it was the harmless variant. So now there's a huge scar on my shoulder which will remind me of the break-up for the rest of my life...

Again one month after that a friend of mine was driving with my car, got in an accident with my own father in front of my house where both cars were destroyed. So now my insurance company is sueing me of insurance-fraud, even that i didn'd do anything.

Oh, and last Werk my aunt died. The funeral was on saturday with more than 1.000 people.

Oh, and although my life broke up with me in february, she still live's with me, as she didn't learn any well paid job, owns nothing and so can't get a place to live.

So all in all, i'm not far away to completely lose it.... despite having family and friends it slowly gets to mich to bear in just a few months.