Look at the sub/community's image. That's the face of a man on Ketemine.
Initiating. Malicious Compliance.
God gave us minds to find solutions to problems. God would be insulted if we did not use those minds.
....EIther this is fake, or it is not. I am not sure which is worse.
Jesus Wept...
Good one.
So, remove he, she, they, them, it from the entire message and use only proper names.
Yes... Tell people that if they can't drive they are unwanted in society. Then you wonder why people like me are angry.
- Guy unable to drive due to vision issues.
That's the neat part. They don't believe it, not really. They believe it's a useful tool to impose authority with. A useful tool to claim moral justification. However no... they don't believe any of it.
The fuck?
There's a bias here that is exceptionally pro-christian. Always has been and the femtosecond anyone else gains ground they come swinging bibles as clubs.
Am christian and i'm sick of it. Get your bullshit out of My faith. Because What Would Jesus Do includes flipping tables and going after abusive jerks with a whip.
Yes lets make the official language more hostile and outright threatening that's absolutely perfect.
Replace the statue of liberty's torch with a hand giving the middle finger and the poem with 'fuck off unless you're willing to be slave labor' while you're at it.
Huh... Blocked. Reddit's getting snitty. They're feeling threatened.
Not sure if real image
Or like farming with AI generated image.
Well played.