That sounds great, thank you for your efforts.
I would say yes as long as you attribute credit, and remove on the author's request if they don't like it. I'll update the sidebar when I get a chance.
was confused whether the whole crossdressing stuff is just meant as a gimmick or if they're(?) really into it.
So is f1nnst3r.
Also, finn insists that he is the "manliest manly man" on stream a lot, so I'd say it's safe to assume he/him (for now anyway - chat is convinced that finn is the eggiest egg that ever egged).
Is this the same Icky that's dating f1nnst3r? She does excellent work.
I read through some of your work. You seem to have a passion for this.
Welcome aboard.
No sharpie counters on the legs?
I agree. Crossposting by reuploading is fine, hotlinking maybe not so much, as they could yank access or track and sell your activity. Generally giving them traffic is bad.
I have a simple solution to this: If you are the moderator of your community, just put a rule in the sidebar disallowing OF links and references. Handle it on a per-community level.
Conflict resolution and being hard to offend are incredibly valuable skills. I'd be happy to have you aboard.
Lovely collar