Trump is already trying to extend anti-diversity mandates to French companies that supply the US government, and at some point soon it's going to hit Canadian companies. There's a very real chance that in certain cases, complying with his demands would violate Canadian human rights laws.
It's time for companies to start picking sides - will you comply with the laws of the country you're in, or will you voluntarily let Canada become the 51st state?
Fucking around with the military is incredibly dangerous for both Trump and the country. This is an administration that (a) openly disregards service members (to the point of sending them into battle after publishing the war plans), and (b) directly disobeys court orders.
That's a pretty volatile combination. Soldiers are required to refuse illegal orders. What happens when Trump gives orders that clearly violate a direct court order? Will the entire military really make the same decision to comply or refuse? What happens when individual units come to different conclusions?
It may just be about dress codes for now, but Trump's way of governing, when applied to the military, is a recipe for actual civil war.