
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Seriously? I'm being down voted? Why?

Because you are being a hypocrite, and espousing pretty much the opposite of what conservatism stands for.

Conservatism is all about the upward flow of wealth, from the working class to the parasite class. Why else would conservatives defund social safety nets yet also cut taxes - but only for the wealthy? Even the recent “axe the tax” movement to cut the carbon tax will hurt working-class Canadians, and provide a financial boon to the Parasite Class, who are being hurt the most by the carbon tax.

In no single jurisdiction on the planet are conservatives “for the working class”. They are all about corporate interests; killing off unions to benefit the wealthy and powerful, re-implementing child labour, eliminating safety laws that protect workers, and doing everything to make the rich even richer at the expense of everyone else.

You want to protect working-class Canadians? You want to fight against corporatism? You want a healthy ecosystem for your grandchildren to enjoy? You want a strong social safety net that promotes healthy and strong communities? You want stronger worker protections and healthy wages that let everyone flourish, and not just the Parasite Class?

Vote NDP. Because they are the only party trying to do this.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago)

One of the really popular subs - with hundreds of posts per day - cracked down on bots and nothing was posted for two days afterwards. ~~Can’t recall which sub it was,~~ It was WholesomeMemes. I caught wind of that a few days later and it was truly a ghost town. Even now they’ve only got something like 5% of their pre-bot-ban traffic back - about 4-6 posts a day.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Now let’s see if they have any connection to PeePee’s campaign.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 1 day ago

Because of capitalism. Because all content must drive quarterly profit ever-higher.

Meanwhile, public broadcasting (PBS) is still putting out great content for families regardless of profitability.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Jake Sully did this in his Avatar body during the Assault on the Tree of Souls, after Turuk Maktow put him on top of Colonel Quaritch’s Dragon command craft.

And yes: very, very cool.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

Almost all guns that can cause hearing damage (with repeated firing) without a silencer are still going to cause hearing damage despite that silencer.

It just takes a few more shots to accumulate the same level of auditory damage.

That’s how loud shots are despite the action of silencers. Silencers exist to protect your hearing when you likely only need to fire off one or two shots at most… with such few shots you can avoid the conspicuousness of hearing protection while getting that hit done.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 days ago (1 children)

That’s why I put that term in quotes, and was specific about default networking interfaces. I didn’t go into detail because that confuses a lot of people.

Source: working with wireless networks professionally for pretty much the last quarter century.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 2 days ago (3 children)

My god, I would gladly switch careers so long as my ADD and I got to play with ~~toys~~ tools like that.

I already have several dozen hours of experience on a mini excavator and a mini skid steer, too bad a wrist connection like this just isn’t made for the cheap Chinese mini excavators.

[–] [email protected] 70 points 2 days ago (11 children)

Sailors on the ship then began finding the STINKY network and asking questions about it.

Oh, c’mon. it is trivial to make an SSID “hidden” for any networking tech that you have administrative control over. That way, only those “in the know” will know the SSID name to type in, in order to access said wireless network. It would not be “discoverable” by standard wireless-connectivity gear such as the default wifi interface in mobile phones.

[–] [email protected] 20 points 2 days ago (1 children)

A vegan that ~~keeps cats~~ allows cats outside isn't exactly approaching the situation from a purely vegan-based mentality.

There, FTFY.

Absolutely nothing wrong with cats that are 100% indoors, not only do they have no effect on the wildlife, but their lifespans are something like ⅓ to ½ longer due to the lack of accidents or conflicts.

[–] [email protected] 21 points 3 days ago (6 children)

The moment your hair cells leave the pores on the skin of your head

Even before that. You pull a hair out, and if that specific hair follicle was still growing you should see a teeny-tiny bulb at the very end. That bulb can be up to a mm beneath the skin. The widest part of that bulb is where the hair cells begin dying and drying out. By the time it shrinks down to the width of the rest of the hair (and long before it emerges from the pore), all the cells in that section are dead. Only the base of the bulb has living, growing hair cells.


I have seen these before, but for the life of me I cannot seem to recall what they are called or what they’re for.

Google search - especially image search, where I’m trying to bring up similar items - is now a total potato and seemingly capped at one screen of results in a secure and sanitized browser.


This is why Galen West is a card-carrying member of the Parasite Class.

And yes, I confirmed the no-shipments, zero-stock with the store manager. 5 days and counting with no stock so far, when the sale started there was maybe 12-24 bottles for 128,000 residents in the city.


I have been trying to create a post in the Canada community. Scuttlebutt is that the post limit was set to 10,000 characters, but has since been set to 50,000 characters. My post has 9961 UTF-8 characters (9969 characters overall, 8396 characters excluding spaces) and when I hit submit the submission never completes.


There's no rhyme or reason to the way we publicly fund health services in Canada: six per cent of dental care, 40 per cent of home care in long term care, 50 of drugs, nothing for hearing aids or glasses or contraception. Where's the logic there? As a result, we have the least universal healthcare system in the world. Ponder that for a second. The least universal healthcare system in the world. Not something to be proud of. Medicare does cover everyone, but it covers everyone inadequately. Stated simply, what's wrong with Canadian health care today is that we're trying to deliver 21st-century care with a 1950s model of delivery and funding. We have an Edsel, but we need a Tesla. And my point here is that we need modernization.

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