I read that they closed the store for the stunt. So it was all charade. The photos of him serving food to a customer walking up to the drive thru window when the site was closed for business are even more laughable in that context.
Second that recommendation for Tildes. Not all posts are long but most posters tend to contribute well thought out opinions and the discussion I have seen is uniformly civil.
It looks right to me?
1685424 X 24.3 / (1024 X 1024) = 39.058
Can confirm. Am PhD.
Politicians should wear company logos like racing drivers so we know who they are sponsored by.
This summary sounds deranged because none of it has anything to do with the title, but that is a problem with the article itself being badly titled. It is rather about the effect of El Nino worldwide.
Your English language is excellent, is that something you can use to your benefit? Think teaching, translation, document services
I'm not in the area or an expert but this link seems to contain a lot of useful leads.
That is advice for life
Uploaded 17y ago. Along the earliest YouTube videos...
Quite a disparity between this outcome and the guy who got $175k compensation for spending 50 years in prison wrongly convicted. I wonder if that guy will sue for millions too.
There's history in Switzerland of creating accidental earthquakes by attempting to harness geothermal energy in 2006