
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 49 points 4 days ago (5 children)

Kursk salient is getting absolutely fucked: https://x.com/Kalibrated_Maps/status/1833856455264403519

Russia didn't take the bait and pull troops from the Donbas, just took a few weeks to organise troops from other places and form an orderly counteroffensive.

[–] [email protected] 35 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Online education can be OK in some situations but a claim that you can do a whole degree worth or that it'll be high quality has been false every other time so why would it be true now?

As someone with an in-person degree and an on-line degree, you don't know what you're talking about.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 1 week ago

How long must I wait

[–] [email protected] 49 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Map stans, did Russia's offensive on Pokrovsk finally stall or are they just prepping for the big push?

[–] [email protected] 63 points 1 week ago

Wow she didn't deserve it

[–] [email protected] 25 points 1 week ago

Yes, "world order" here is a euphemism for US hegemony, which is why this news is good.

[–] [email protected] 84 points 1 week ago (8 children)

"The international world order is “under threat in a way we haven’t seen since the Cold War”, the heads of the UK and US foreign intelligence services have warned." BBC News


[–] [email protected] 17 points 1 week ago

Omg PLEASE link me that's fucking hilarious

[–] [email protected] 27 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

What if we met in the cosy hut meow-hug

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Can we please NOT stigmatize people who smoke, many of whom want to quit but are unable and who tend to be among the least economically advantaged people in society? Frankly I think it's wrong to continually bully these people with greater and greater restrictions to their activities and to burden them with higher taxes. Second hand smoke indoors causes disease, but that it basically negligible outdoors. Socialists should not be judging people by their nicotine use. Or do we also judge Stalin and other pipe users, or Casto and his cigars?

[–] [email protected] 49 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Famously, Stalin reduced Hitler to an anxious shivering wreck whose final days (including birthday and wedding) were spent in an underground concrete sarcophagus in fear of the walls bursting in with water and drowning him alive, ears ringing from endless shelling. Hitler's terror of being marched through Moscow and skinned alive was so great that he killed himself. Same with a lot of other Nazis. Also Mussolini, who was hanged by Italian communists. Also all of the yankee soldiers who went off to invade communist Korea and Viet Nam, of whom nothing was left for their families to bury.


Yes I know that Cuba, the DPRK, and China have their own distros, but they're pretty specific to the language and networks of those countries. I use linux because it's free and open source but I use one of those distros that is privately owned and I'm thinking of upgrading to something that is truly communally owned but also has good compatibility with software, especially scientific software. Any good recs please?





Would massively appreciate it. Thanks.


Hi. I'm alienated, living in the imperialist core, I have no political representation, and none of my friends are communists. Except from this website I feel extremely isolated. How are the rest of you faring?

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

He met him eating mushrooms in the People's Park

He said 'What do you think about my manifesto?'

'I like your manifesto, put it to the test-o.'


Tories are obviously fucked but labour are the new tories. I don't believe in bourgeois electoralism so I'm inclined not to vote at all but would also like to spoil the tories and labour from winning in my constituency. To that end, I'm torn between Green (libs with good climate policies, left of labour but pro-Israel-existence) and Workers Party GB (economically socialist with weird-to-concerning opinions on LGBT+)**. Discuss.

** Workers Party leader Galloway in an interview with Novara media has said he believes all LGBT+ people should be treated with dignity and respect and that he has had many gay and one trans colleague (and used their preferred pronouns) but he has boomerish ideas about what should and should not be taught to children in schools and which changing rooms people should use. It's not great but could be worse I guess.


I don't have social media so I'm expecting great things from you og-hex-bear


No, I will not elaborate.

Okay, I will elaborate a little. I hate disney movies, they're all slop, but I loved the last PotA trilogy (Rise, Dawn, War), in fact War is one of my favourite movies of all time. I was extremely concerned with the big mouse bought Fox that they would disneyfy PotA but Kingdom had similar vibes to the last trilogy and had some really lovely moments, e.g. the observatory scenes and any scene with Raka. Soundtrack was also nice. I liked it.


This is the official hexbear Dune discussion thread (not really)

I watched the new Dune and enjoyed the films from a cinematic/fantasy perspective but wasn't super on-board with the politics as I thought the message was simply 'leaders bad', but what didn't come across (imo) from the movies and what I'm learning from discussion of the books is that the message is more nuanced than that: Herbert's message wasn't "don't blindly follow leaders because they're evil", but "don't blindly follow leaders because movements based on blind belief are a force of their own and can sweep everyone up into a mess, even if that was not at all the intention", and there are of course examples of that happening throughout human history. I want to hear all of your thoughts on the books, the films, and the messages. Thanks. heart-sickle

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It's like someone asked ChatGPT to turn the book into a dumb anglo sitcom.

-Every character is emotionally immature, spiteful, and sassy. None of the 'friends' act like friends. None of the characters talk like real people. They're constantly insulting or hitting each other. It's just embarrassing. The actors have nothing to work with.

-All the major twists/reveals are shown in the first two episodes. No suspense, no build-up, no pay-off. Rushed is an understatement.

-Single characters from the book have been unnecessarily split into multiple new characters adding nothing to the story.

-The story is a cosmic horror but comedy and romance have been forced in for no reason whatsoever except as filler, which is even more mind-boggling because they've essentially rushed all of the good stuff in the book to make room for unfunny jokes.

-Apparently they could barely afford any sets and extras, so scenes and locations that are supposed to be bristling with sights and people just feel oddly empty. Even the special effects feel muted. The budget is just weirdly limited, and the show looks much cheaper than the Tencent series.

-Almost all of the science (which is the interesting stuff) has been gutted from this science fiction.

I hate anglo slop. Where is the kino. Tencent pls adapt The Dark Forest.


I know of a few academic journals that review and publish articles on Marxism and Socialism but all of them seem to be run by Trots and are extremely hostile to Marxism-Leninism, Stalinism, and AES countries like China, Viet Nam, and (formerly) the Soviet Union. Are there any academic journals that are pro-Lenin/Soviet and pro-AES? I would like to read such articles and possibly contribute myself. Obviously there are sites like this one but I'm looking specifically for a scholarly journal, e.g. with peer-review or at least something more formal than a forum.

Thanks in advance.

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