
joined 1 week ago

Mastodon link: https://dmv.community/@nwbcw/114111806094877863

Original post on IG by @PSLVirginia: https://www.instagram.com/p/DGyCivfx5pO/

Virginia rallies to defend immigrant families!

On Sunday, the community rallied together in Richmond to let >Youngkin know that we will not allow ICE to terrorize our state. We >were able to connect with each other, share our personal stories, and >spread resources.

We won’t allow the ruling class to divide us, distract us, or scare us >into submission. We will continue fighting and we will defend our >community!


Rep. Robert Wittman for VA’s 1st District voted to slash Medicaid, give $4.5 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthy, and to raise the debt limit by $4 trillion yesterday

H.Con.Res 14: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/119-2025/h50

Washington, D.C. Office: (202) 225-4261 Glen Allen Office: (804) 401-4120 Yorktown Office: (757) 527-6270

