Because the moment you don’t have any for whatever reason withdrawal is horrible, you can’t function properly without it… also you have to consider the risk of overdosing, for opioids is very high if you’re not careful
Oh shit you caught me! But you don’t know which one I am…
Offering me to do drugs together one last time even if he knew I was clean since a few years (this is not only cringe but also shitty, luckily I was in a good period so I refused) Then about 5 years after our separation he called my mom to tell her that he was still in love with me 🤦♀️
Everything he tried was cringe, not funny…
L’articolo ne parla come se fosse una decisione che deve prendere il nostro governo, quindi non ho capito, è un regolamento europeo ma come implementarlo viene deciso dai singoli paesi? E come farebbero eventualmente a controllare le chat criptate end to end? Dovrebbe esserci qualcosa che lavora direttamente sul dispositivo…
Ma poi cosa pensano di risolvere che ci saranno migliaia di chat su telegram dove girano foto e video porno, secondo loro i ragazzini non sanno dove andare a cercare?
Come al solito puntano al sintomo invece di concentrarsi sulla causa del problema
This is so cool! Did you ever find all of them?
Yes I was a rider for a brief period, your pay is calculated on the time and distance of your delivery but when you meet the client they can give you cash as a tip, you don’t have to declare it so Glovo wouldn’t even knew about it
Just a few euros are fine, only one time a woman gave me 5€, people here don’t use to tip but if they do they give you just the spare change from their pockets
Italy: when I took my license I had to learn on a manual car because the exam car has a manual transmission but my first car was automatic (a bit uncommon here 15 years ago) so I forgot how to drive a manual, then I bought my first RV and I had to re-learn on a 30+ years vehicle but after that I never forgot. Now I like driving manual cars but if you live in a city it’s better an automatic one
Non so cosa offrano i vari operatori per la questione IP ma ormai anche la FWA è abbastanza veloce se sei nella posizione giusta, la offrono anche gli operatori tradizionali ma secondo me è meglio la versione con l’antenna esterna tipo Eolo o Linkem
Yeah I didn’t think about the phone number, I made my google account a long time ago and they didn’t use to ask you for your number but now every service needs it for “security” reasons
That is true for every addiction, like gambling, it’s not the opioid that makes you not functioning per se, I met some people that you couldn’t believe they were junkies because even if the substance was their priority it wasn’t at the expense of everything else. Alcohol abuse it’s the worst, I saw people devastated from it and it’s legal…