
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Don't forget to heckle them and send some hate mail to your local council. I'm doing my part, I hope you're doing yours ;-)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Did anyone here run the Kiwi Kids Marathon? I didn't but my neighbours in the 90s did.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

The guy who made telegram is dodgy af. I have no idea what he's up to, but Russia's ministry of defence is on there, officially.

I love the russian propaganda, but I don't approve of boomers ranting about the whole trans-gender thing. It's too cringe for me, especially when we have problems like housing. I've definitely seen that hum of spam on certain issues. It's designed to appeal to boomers and fools. The anti-vaccine and anti-WEF is totally a state sponsored operation, it's about undermining trust in institutions on the long-term.

I'm against the NZ government and I'm against the so-called "intelligence community" too.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Houses in the middle of nowhere will be cheaper, but most jobs don't exist out there so I think main centres are a good way to analyse it. I've seen Vince say something about Jews maybe once. He is a intelligent guy but sometimes his views are a bit um, off the cuff. I watched a video of his where he describes New Zealanders as being "autistic" supposedly because they can't socialise well without alcohol. I laughed pretty hard. It was such a random opinion, somewhat true but still felt like it was heavy opinionated.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I don't think the protest movements fit on a political spectrum of any sort. They're just angry about things and much of it is justified, I think the government should listen to their views on vaccination. The only term that I identify with is pro-russian. The United States is basically a fascist country which hides behind a rainbow flag, but now I'm being as hyperbolic as Rangi HA-HA-HA. As far as I'm concerned, people like Valerie Morse are fascists and authoritarians. They stand with NATO and Ukraine and have no problem with missiles and artillery shells being sent to Ukraine, despite the same Peace Action group protesting against arms companies. I can't wait for the rules based order to fizzle into irrelevancy.

The word 'globalist' was popularised by Alex Jones maybe 12 or 15 years ago. I don't believe that all these middle age women at the protests are blaming Jews for the vaccine. If someone posted that suggestion on Counterspin Media, they'd probably be banned. When they say globalists, they really mean it.... Outsides influences corrupting our country such as the U.N. agendas to fight climate change at the expense of good jobs.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

If the zoning wasn't regulated to benefit existing owners then apartments would be built, plus new townhouses, and these damp decaying places would be $100 a week. If there was an actual housing/rental market (you know, one with real competition, instead of a market that's propped up by government policy) that could work, but I'm not against insulation requirements. If they sent jackboot thugs to inspect homes and threatened to shut them down if landlords didn't comply, I'd fully support it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

National said in the news this morning that we need to fix the COL crisis, because now people are stealing FOOD from supermarkets and abusing staff, and it doesn't get reported to Police because it happens so often. When Jacinda was debating this a few years ago, National said that people were only stealing electronics and tobacco (not food). We are living in a Bizarro World comic right now when things Labour claimed a few years ago are now real.

...Thanks National and Labour

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Also, state housing normally means they have the house to themselves. I'm not in a state house or owning, I'm stuck in a crowded boarding house with 10 other people. The group that I'm in always has the lowest satisfaction, I'll bet. Everyone is complaining about each other constantly, that's also how we make friends, by bitching constantly about "the indians" who never stop talking loudly, and complaining about the Chinese landlord ripping us off. I'd rather have a stable house that I don't share with others, like an apartment. NZ lives in the past. Can't believe we don't have apartments in the suburbs of christchurch yet..........

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

What? I thought it was either YouTube Music on its own, or YouTube Music + ad free. I never saw a lite version.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

I'm tired of the crazed notion that middle age women who oppose vaccination are somehow crypto-fascists, who are secretly working to advance the interests of the National Front and Action Zealandia. It's a Reddit fantasy that only exists because of the echo chamber in /r/newzealand where nobody can challenge their stupid views without being banned.

There are people on Reddit who think that Carl Bromley and Lee Williams are Nazis. These are just angry old men with out-dated views, who put all their energy into venting online, or trying to start movements that just die off after 6 months.

The overton window has shifted towards anti-immigration. 2 years ago anyone who's even slightly critical of immigration would've been called a fascist. But on Reddit this week, there was an anti-immigration thread that has 200+ upvotes. The person said that if we don't stop immigration, then housing will stay expensive forever, because the government can just bring in immigrants to fill new houses and apartments. This is bad for our country and it shouldn't matter what the tone is. Immigration just sucks and everyone knows this regardless of what they believe or who they vote for. I live in a shared house and earlier this year a whole Indian family moved in, with the screaming kid, her parents, and even the grandparents. I don't hate these people personally, but man do they talk loud outside my door after 11pm at night. They are like the Gypsies of the South Pacific. Always having a loud conversation and bringing their family woes into the ears of other tenants, as if they owned the entire house just because they rented 2 of the rooms.

I think it's time we realised that immigration is unsustainable. It just pisses me off at a personal level, I don't even need an ideology or a political viewpoint to be annoyed. Nobody understands this until you have to live with a child that was spawned from another man's cock, and the kid is banging on walls and crying right outside your stock hardware store bedroom door. It's unbearable, and it'll only get worse. Time to wipe off that **** eating grin New Zealand. You've got bigger problems than obscure political groups that mainly exist online.

There is a massively weird discourse in this country that exists on Reddit and Twitter - a big obsession with what online groups are supposedly planning. There are claims that far-right groups in NZ are preparing terrorist attacks, and that people have planned car bomb attacks (but without having a bomb or any means of making one). Then Kyle Chapman was arrested for owning a gun, but he's not even a part of any far-right group. Some Reddit Karen will somehow connect Kyle to a group though, and claim that the Rob Gray Life Centre is a terrorist training hub. Rangi Kemara is already suggesting this online because yes he really is that stupid, just another angry liberal on the internet spouting unfounded opinions.

There is no coordinated right-wing group that is taking over political parties and changing the discourse of society, things like anti-immigration sentiment are just occurring naturally as people learn the truth.

As a redditor would say:

I am LITERALLY for open borders and ethnic restaurants (Masala Dosa, YUM!) but I am honestly against unlimited immigration of 100,000 people per year, it's literally destroying the housing market for my whole generation!!!!1

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

"the jews are the real nazis"


Am I just dumb or does this happen for other people?


Catching the bus is my main way to get into the city centre, though on rare occasions I drive or e-scooter. I found that catching the bus is sometimes useful on short trips, such as going to the bakery (if the bus is every 10 minutes). Really great for me since I don't have a job right now, but if I get a job again I'll need a car, because employers insist.

I don't like owning a car because other tenants can suddenly move in and block me off with their car, which they expect to park on the driveway too. All the nearby streets have problems with parking. An e-scooter would suit me most of the time. I could sell my car, buy an e-scooter, motorcycle helmet, rain-repelling pants and gumboots. ** Just a couple of problems:**

  1. safety - a guy I know recently had an accident in the Opawa/Sydenham area and broke his shoulder + other bones. I was told that he wasn't hit by a car, apparently he lost traction and fell off. Maybe he was going 30 km/ph if not 40 km/ph, but I don't know. Based on the injuries he wouldn't have been going under 20 km/ph.

  2. winter - traction problems and visibility at their worst, potentially for months. So far, this winter has been mild. Most times 11am - 5pm are good temperature for an e-scooter, without too much moisture on the road. Next winter might be colder and less suitable for an e-scooter.

I could use the bus in winter, borrow a car from family, or rent a Zilch vehicle for 4 hours every 1-2 weeks. Everything else should be possible on a scooter, most days. Part of the trick is to buy a large enough backpack from the Army & Outdoors store!

Transport in Christchurch is troublesome, because of the city's one storey high design. Employers expect me to pay for fuel and then drive several kilometres to get to work, because there's no way I can find a rental that's near a job, or which has a suitable bus route for getting to a job. With the increases to rent, fuel and food, I think I'll give up driving before I give up anything else. To hell with what employers expect.

So I guess the reason I made this thread is to speculate that I'll be one of the test subjects for e-scooter ownership in Christchurch. I'm not a competitive, angry person who tries to flex on other road users. I used to speed constantly in a Mazda mx5 without giving a damn but now I drive a more modest vehicle, and I notice how many people overtake me even when I'm driving slightly above the limit. Sometimes I like to drive 30 or 40 km/ph on narrow streets because I don't want to kill a cat or someone's child. It may be legal to drive at 50km/ph but that's not always safe. Luckily, motorists are surprisingly courteous on narrow roads when they are forced to yield or get through a small gap.

Affordable apartments (complete with bikesheds) are still 5 or 10 years away, so I expect that public transport won't get more routes or become much more popular. E-scooters may be the fix we require. I'd rather ride my bike but I can't store that in my bedroom. Most boarding houses are just a bedroom and nothing else, so I think an e-scooter is the way to go.

If it makes me unemployable to some employers that's just too bad. In the current situation I doubt I'll save up enough money to buy a car again (cue for someone to suggest I buy a piece of shit for $1,000)

We have to move with the times and accept that not everybody can own a car and afford a place to park it, where it won't be blocked off by new tenants moving in, who also wish to use the driveway. We've been warned since last year that 91 fuel could reach $3 a litre and we're only a few months away from that. If I give up my car this spring-summer-autumn it will save me at least $1,000 on insurance and fuel. Not even that much, but I think the lifestyle change will be the selling point. I just hope I don't get killed lol


Back in 1935 the first Labour government came to power and faced a severe housing crisis. It didn’t fiddle and tinker – it rolled its sleeves up. By the late 1930s it was building 3500 state houses per year for a population of around 1.5 million.


Sounds good to me Nelson, can we please get this in Christchurch as well?



Monday, the 28th of August, 6pm onward


Christchurch WEA, 59 Gloucester Street (near the Art Gallery)

What to expect

Since this is 3 weeks away I haven't confirmed any speakers yet.

If the meeting receives enough interest, then it will grow. There are other groups such as Save Passenger Rail and a Living Wage group, the overlapping interests can help to boost this new group.


I've been looking for some old films to watch online and I'm looking at

  • On The Beach (1959)
  • Patton (1970)
  • The Great Escape (1963)
  • The Guns of Navarone (1961)

Those last two inspired parts of the video game series, Metal Gear Solid. In Metal Gear Solid 3, a lot of films get mentioned by characters throughout the game.

On The Beach is one I heard about because Alex Jones was talking about nuclear war earlier this year, and he showed a scene from that particular film. There's a newer version of On The Beach but I'd always go for the original, or better, read the novel it's based on.

Recently I watched 2 old Soviet films

  • Amphibian Man (1961)
  • Only 'Old Men' Are Going To Battle (1973)

Some links


The Guns Of Navarone (this one costs $ on YouTube)

Amphibian Man

Only 'Old Men' Are Going To Battle, black and white version

Only 'Old Men' Are Going To Battle, colourised in 2009

It's disappointing that many films are 48 hour DRM'd and cost $4 or $6 despite not being restored



Got to get me some novels too.


Hey everyone, I registered a domain name and installed phpBB forum software, but I will also be:

  • hosting meetings at Spagalimi's Pizzeria in Christchurch
  • hosting meetings at the WEA (59 Gloucester)
  • advertising through the Christchurch Progressive Network mail list
  • knocking on doors to promote the forum
  • setting up a table and chairs in town for some real life promo

The website is and that's where I'll be organising events in the near future.

I had some trouble with password resets on Lemmy so I just created a new account. I want to reply to regarding this thread:

I complained about the crowded boarding house where I live and kiwikruizer replied: "Theres a few places around that have ensuites in the ~$230 range". This isn't the response that I expected. I pay slightly more than $230 a week (going up to $300 a week soon) and the problem isn't the lack of an ensuite bathroom. I didn't understand where kiwikruizer was coming from, because I never mentioned anything about an ensuite, I just said the place was crowded.

To clarify, a boarding house is not a house where you have 6 or 8 bedrooms and only 2 communal bathrooms. A boarding house will, in nearly all cases, be a modern building with 6 or 8 bedrooms that all have ensuites, but which share a kitchen (and optionally, a lounge, but it isn't required). I think most rentals are under a boarding house contract these days, unless for some reason it's a fixed contract (which I would recommend avoiding unless a person is well-off)

This confusion of terms is another reason why I want to host public meetings. People don't understand renting and have misconceptions about how it works, what it costs, and how convenient it is.

The $230 a week boarding houses that kiwikruizer mention generally have very thin walls and doors, so you can hear people coughing from down the hall, or singing in their bathroom in the morning. The median rent price is much higher than $230 a week, and even these $230 a week properties are more likely $245 or $250 by now. The prices will keep going up and up until we do something about it.

I'll keep you all updated on my progress. It will be a difficult road to build an active group but I'm determined to do this, because the alternative is doing nothing and having nothing change.

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