- Banks have full control of every single cent you own.
• Every transaction vou make is recorded.
That sounds like a fair deal to me!?
Very Yog-Sothoth-ish! ^^
… what is steam? 👀
There's still life in the old dog yet (or so I hope).
Glad to see, that this is even recognised internationally by now!
You're joking … right?
Edit: Wasn't meant as a critique. Sorry if you deleted it because of me. That hasn't been my intent.
Die Community ist weiterhin auf Reddit. Also bin auch ich dort. Das hier gefällt mir aber eigentlich besser, deshalb bleib ich auch hier. Wenn/falls meine Community mal hierhin umzieht, wird es das für mich gewesen sein, in Sachen Reddit.
This … thank you!
Not really, no. Imagine a "/s" at the end of my post. :)