Unsoclicited psychoanalysis is a sign of extreme hostility.
"People that live in rural settings are oppressed."
Yeah, they are oppressed by paying taxes to fund the lifestyles of the city-slicker youtubers who hate them.
Yeah, they are oppressed growing all the food that feeds the self-absorbed clowns like the one that made this video.
Almost all food is being grown and raised by men who drive pickup trucks. If these men bought Tesla coupes instead, the city-slicker youtuber soy supremacists would starve.
Almost every point made by this youtuber is a Bolshevist talking point for liquidating the kulaks. The whole video is a screed of baseless social signalling by a person who would faint if he got a blister from doing real manual labor.
Welcome to Mastodon and the fediverse. If you don't agree with the hive-mind 'consensus' then your speech is a 'violation' of some ambiguous 'policy' and must be censored. They will always invent spurious reasons for censoring things they hate, such as, 'misinformation' or 'hate' or 'square dancing in a round room.' This is how psychotic bolsheviks lord their power over others.
@[email protected]