
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Yes, that can be. I also remembered that I had created a swap file. Maybe that is deducted from the available space. That also makes sense, because the swap file is not usable space.

But my swap file is 16 GB. And no matter if I calculate with 16 GiB or 16 GB, I don't get the displayed partition space.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Thanks for pointing me into this direction.

When I use an online calculator to convert Gibibytes to Gigabytes, I get this result: 634.8 GiB are 682 GB. So, exactly the size that the Gnome-Disk-Utility shows.

The App Stacer tells me 624.2 GiB. When I convert this into Gigabytes, I get 670.3 GB. This size is also shown in the Pop_OS file manager.

So, in conclusion:

  • fdisk command and Gnome disk utility are showing 634.8 GiB / 682 GB.
  • Stacer and file manager are showing 624.2 GiB / 670.3 GB.

One step closer... Now I just need to figure out why two apps are showing too less storage space compared to the other ones.


I have increased the size of the partition of my Pop_OS installation (/nvme0n1p4) from 128 GB to 650 GB using Gparted (from the live USB stick). I have set it exactly to 650 GB.

But in Pop_OS I now have the problem that I am shown three different sizes:

  • The command fdisk -l tells me that the partition has a size of 634.8 GB.
  • The app "disks" tells me that the partition has a size of 682 GB.
  • The app "Stacer" tells me the partition has a size of 624.2 GB.

I am now a bit confused and would like to ask you if anyone knows a solution or can at least tell me which indication is correct. I mean, if this indication is wrong, is the information at all correct, how much space of the SSD is already used? I also see different specifications there...

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Around the 2000s I hosted a Shoutcast server that played a playlist of about 30 punk rock MP3's on continuous loop. As far as I can remeber, it was running on a Win2000 machine. Yeah - Pirate Radio 😆


I am looking for an alternative to Google shopping list, self hosted if possible.

KitchenOwl looks promising. Nextcloud and Homeassistant also offer something like this.

But: I would like to add items to the shopping list via voice control (smart speaker). Does anyone have experience with this or an idea how this could be implemented? I mean, I can already control devices in Homeassistant via Google Assistant, which works perfectly. But adding items to a list?