
joined 4 months ago
[–] dsilverz 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

What about his GitHub Gists? Was there something, such as code snippets or tutorials? Edit for complementing my question: I'm asking this because his Gists is now empty ("lnmangione doesn’t have any public gists yet"), and I wonder if his Gists were deleted or if he really didn't use/didn't know the Gists feature of GitHub.

[–] dsilverz 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Não algo forçado, mas através de comentários nas postagens, de uma forma relativamente natural, mencionando aspectos relacionados ao Brasil conforme contextos apropriados surgirem no Lemmy.

Por exemplo, esses dias atrás me deparei com um comentário onde questões fonéticas anglófonas eram abordadas, então comentei acrescentando uma perspectiva lusófona, nisso eu pude fazer uma menção dentro de um fluxo natural de conversa ali.

Outro caso foi um tópico sobre o que os gringos chamam de "suicide cable" (um fio elétrico cujas ambas as pontas são um plug de colocar na tomada, usam pra corrigir instalações de pisca-pisca em árvores de Natal), daí mencionei sobre o padrão brasileiro de tomadas e de gambiarras que muitas vezes vemos por aqui, que praticamente fazem parte de um aprendizado brasileiro de solucionar problemas sem ter que despender muita grana pra aquilo.

Então é dessa forma, relativamente sutil, que lembro os gringos da existência do Brasil como nação.

E quando o nome do Brasil é explicitamente mencionado por um gringo, por texto, notícias, imagens ou infográficos, menções que às vezes acontecem, melhor ainda, porque abre margem para contextualizar melhor, como brasileiro, sobre aquilo que está sendo mencionado. Exemplo: um dia desses falavam sobre a reunião do G-alguma coisa que teve recentemente no Rio, e mencionavam frevo e caipirinha e algum outro elemento cultural que foi escrito de forma errada ou confundido com algum outro elemento cultural (não lembro exatamente). Educadamente corrigi a palavra, e expliquei melhor o que era e qual a relação que os brasileiros tinham com aquele elemento cultural.

Edit: note que a maioria dessas menções são mais em função de aspectos menos polarizantes/complicados, focando mais em aspectos culturais, hábitos brasileiros e dia-a-dia, culinária, tecnologia, linguística, pronúncias, sotaques, e etc, do que política e socioeconômica. Um exemplo interessante que poderia também ser utilizado pra mencionar o Brasil, embora eu particularmente não tenho interesses nesse campo em específico, é o esporte, mencionando sobre os esportes onde o Brasil tem significativo destaque, não somente futebol porque disso todo mundo lembra, mas, por exemplo, a liga nacional de vôlei, basquete, natação, maratonistas brasileiros, fórmula 1, etc.

[–] dsilverz 2 points 1 week ago

I can sort of understand why GOG has no Linux client. Have you noticed how there are differences among the distros? I use Arch (by the way), another Linux user uses Debian, the other uses Slackware, the other uses Enlightenment OS, the other uses RHEL, and so on. There are lots of flavors, structures, package managers, display managers... Some distros still use X11 instead of the newer Wayland... How to deal with so many differences? Whereas a Windows system is generally not so different from another Windows system regarding filesystem structure (i.e. where's Program Files, where's the system registry, where's the system32 folder, and so on), so it's easier to make a Windows client.

And then, there's a second reason why GOG may have no Linux client: Linux users often won't need training wheels. I bought Terraria from GOG, a game that I already had "purchased" from Steam a few years ago. I got surprised how easy is to install the game. They deliver a shellscript, you run it, you click next, next, tick accept, next, optionally choose another folder, next, wait, finish, and that's it. The thing just... works. Why bother to install a whole client when the current way already works seamlessly? You won't even need internet connection during the installation, whereas a client would require it, so in a sense, IMHO, a client would actually worsen the experience of installation.

[–] dsilverz 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Your instance tells me that you're also Brazilian. Portuguese text follows.

Concordo em partes. Por um lado, sim, eu percebo que países como o Brasil parecem não ter a representatividade necessária aqui na Internet global, sobretudo aqui no fediverso. Por exemplo, a notícia envolvendo o diretor da "UHC" retorna mensagens (postagens e comentários) onde há tanto implícito quanto explícito um pensamento de que EUA é "o mundo" e que não haveria nada além desse "mundo estadunidense". Isso é chato, principalmente para nós brasileiros, mas vamos ser justos: isso é chato para qualquer nação fora da panelinha EUA-Europa, principalmente do dito "sul global".

Por outro lado, há muitos paralelos de realidade entre os dois países. Exemplificando novamente o caso da "UHC", embora o Brasil tenha o Sistema Único de Saúde, a gente sabe que os convênios médicos, muitas vezes fornecidos pela empresa onde as pessoas trabalham, são uma realidade burocrática por aqui. "O que pinga de lá pinga daqui", isso sem contar a ligação direta entre a UHC estadunidense e a Amil brasileira, controlados pelo mesmo grupo.

Há uma solução para isso, que é algo que faço aqui no Lemmy. Se olhar os meus comentários aqui no Lemmy, sempre tento mencionar o Brasil tanto em aspectos positivos quanto negativos, coisas do Brasil, curiosidades culturais do Brasil, os problemas enfrentados pelo Brasil, tudo que tiver a ver com Brasil eu tento mencionar para que o Brasil seja mais conhecido por não-brasileiros. Acho que essa é uma forma de diversificar um conteúdo que geralmente é centrado na panelinha EUA-Europa.

[–] dsilverz 3 points 1 week ago

There's this phenomenon called South Atlantic Anomaly whose one of their points is centered within the Brazilian territory (the other is centered somewhere near the west of Africa continent). I wonder how it would be a factor, together with the consequences of climate changes, in a "hotter" sunshine. Pará is located in northern Brazil, while this SAA is centered somewhere around the south or southeast (I'm not sure if it's centered at Santa Catarina, Paraná or São Paulo, because the NASA map regarding SAA doesn't show the boundaries between the states, only boundaries between countries), but it covers a significant part of the Brazilian territory (and the last maps suggest that it's growing in size).

I know that satellites often need to shut down some of their onboard systems while they're orbiting around and inside the SAA due to its effects, but I'm not sure if these effects would extend all the way to the ground.

[–] dsilverz 1 points 1 week ago

What about a Planchette? It's not the Ouija board...

[–] dsilverz 3 points 1 week ago

Do they, though?

How many people can stop for some moment and think "Yeah, this thing called existence seems so bizarre... Maybe this spoon I'm holding right now actually doesn't exist?" on their own?

People wake up and rush in an exhausting day-to-day stuff, until they sleep to rest for another busy day. People's minds are constantly flooded with mundane stuff. For many, many people, it's mundanely impossible to have some spare time to stop and come to realize that there's no "real".

But when a person did come to that conclusion, even when they aren't so dedicated to keep questioning the conundrums of existence, they can't plant The Seed of Doubt inside the minds of others, because, as mentioned before, the other people are too busy to listen to something that won't really help but make them gaze into the depths of the abyss and be gazed back in a wonderful yet painful connection with the primordial chaos filling the emptiness of every single atom.

So, the "creators" of this "simulation" (actually I believe there is something more complex to be nominated, it has to do with too-long-to-describe cosmic principles all the way to the aeternal interplay between primordial order and primordial chaos) don't need to "disallow/prohibit" the pondering and speculation of the nature of the existence, the constant bodily and mundane call for survival makes it impossible to have a time and space for those questions to happen, and those who have will simply have no means to effectively spread the act of their own questioning.

[–] dsilverz 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Maybe it's something related to Sora? I heard that they recently launched it to the public, and yesterday Altman published about OpenAI having a high demand for signups, so they temporarily shut down new signups.

[–] dsilverz 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I guess that this behavior could also be attributed to sort of a Stockholm syndrome, when the kidnapped develops affection towards their kidnapper. Billionaires have been keeping the people as hostages under a heavy and bureaucratic system which promises to "award" those who bootlick them.

[–] dsilverz 56 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (8 children)

people didn't react negatively to this because literally everyone in the country has been negatively affected by people like that CEO.

Also outside the US country. I'm Brazilian, I've been following the news about this event, and I can't help but notice there's a hope inside me that this event could somehow result in CEOs all around the world (especially in the southern hemisphere) changing and ditching their greed. Well, of course it's very unlikely to happen, maybe I have some tiny optimistic side buried under tons of massive pessimism of mine.

[–] dsilverz 0 points 1 week ago

Exactly, and it could surely be done. After all, they already have default opt-ins in place... opt-in "Sponsored shortcuts" by default, for example...

[–] dsilverz 14 points 1 week ago

Just out of curiosity, a quick look on the Forbes "Real-time Billionaires List" shows us an interesting suffix after several of those names: "& family". It's an ampersand (meant to be the conjunction "and") followed by the word "family".

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