
joined 6 months ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 hours ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 hours ago

Loved that one too.


Yesterday, I began watching the 1960s British sci-fi series The Prisoner (first five episodes) and have been quite enjoying it. Much of my enjoyment has been from the fact that it kind of feels like “What if The Cage was a whole series?”

In other words, like “The Cage”, it’s a prison environment in which a person can’t be certain of reality any more. It does diverge in all the torture on number 6, whereas the Talossian’s illusions are less flawed and sadistic a prison in some ways (you know, besides the purpose of breeding a bunch of human slaves). However, I feel like both “The Cage” and The Prisoner overall embody the same “everything might be fake” sense of reality. I almost feel like “The Prisoner” is somewhat a window into what Star Trek might have been if CBS hadn’t thought people would be too dumb to understand “The Cage”.

Besides the similar vibes with “The Cage”, another thing winning me over is the surreal set design, which has already won a place in my heart. I just wish I could make a replica of one of the signs in the village and have it not be so obscure no one would ever recognize it.

The main thing my 21st century brain finds fault with is the strong gender roles used in The Prisoner (there is always some woman that Number 2 sends to try and manipulate Number 6), although like TOS, I’ll give it a pass since it was in the same boat as most television at the time. However, I did like the twist in “Free for All” where Number 58 is revealed to be the real new Number 2.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

I agree with you. However, playing devil’s advocate, it could be argued that the law was applied because Bashir is a citizen of United Earth within the Federation, meaning that per the Prime Directive, Earth can enforce its own law within the bounds of the Federation constitution (perhaps with some limits on enforcing certain parts on non-United Earth citizens, especially in a zone like San Francisco).

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

That then begs the question: Why did they have a problem with Una, a non-human augment, joining Starfleet? In PRO, it is also implied that Dal would not have been let in if not for Janeway’s push.

Also, perhaps Darwin Station required a longer investigation to check which researchers were involved, so the arrest does not happen on screen and is left for another ship (after all, the D needs to keep boldly going, so I can imagine a Miranda swopping by later to do the arrest for the Enterprise).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Actually, I think Neelix doesn’t count as a natural disaster - I think he was a genetic experiment - a manmade disaster.

I’ll admit though that after Kes, Neelix is a somewhat enjoyable character.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 day ago

While some of this can be a problem, I feel like using podman automatically disqualifies you as a regular user.

I think the more accurate title is “Linux is harder for medium power users who are already used to an operating system.”

I honestly feel I am unqualified to say how easy Linux distros are, as I often think to do things that a normal user wouldn’t, thus breaking my system in a way that doesn’t mirror what a regular user would experience.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

True. Industry entrenchment would be a big issue. I can think of two ways to try to fight it. The less viable option would be trying for PSD support, which would be a lot of work. The other option would be to write a Photoshop plugin to allow working with the new file format in Photoshop. This might be annoying to end users having to deal with the format, but also easier developer-wise because you could make sure Photoshop handles rendering right; you'd just need a way to warn about operations in Photoshop that can't be converted to the new FOSS program's native format.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago

Not exactly “full of” - it was more like 3 classrooms with 30 each. Still a lot of Macs, but keep in mind this was a high school of 2000 students. Also, I’m pretty sure the Macs were paid for with grants for the visual arts programs rather than standard public funding.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

In some ways this is true. However, I feel like in the case of Adobe, someone needs to take another shot at a good FOSS image editor. Adobe is really starting to mess itself with generative AI; knowing many artists, they hate generative AI image tech as a threat to their job, so I find it weird that Adobe is alienating one of their largest user bases. I find it weird how Inkscape is really good and has evolved (I actually switched to it from Adobe Illustrator and don´t regret it), while GIMP has barely changed in 10 years.

I get that some parts of an image editor are complex, but at some point, it's just a chain of mathematical operations. Maybe I'm wrong, but when I get the time, it's almost tempting to take a stab at the issue.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I think it depends. If a school has a laptop for each student, it is most certainly a Chromebook. However, a lot of schools also have a mix of systems. In elementary school, I was taught to use Microsoft Office on Windows, for instance. At my high school, all the students had Chromebooks, but there were also some labs with Windows machines; graphic design, photography, and film classes had labs full of 5K iMacs.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I added an apt repo someone had created. I've checked how it works, and it's just a CI routine pulling the latest Discord package for the website and throwing it in a repo.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I’d say also greens and purples were a part of the DS9 pallet.


Here’s a bigger bugbear (than the Vulcan question): how does it all work in Ferengi society?

I’ll split order my post by my pre-Rom and post-Rom thoughts.


  • Gay (not Lesbian) Ferengi are probably a normal thing.
  • Based on DS9 “Profits and Lace” and Nilva’s reaction to the transitioned Quark, it might be possible that male to female transition, while considered very weird, would be considered fine if you make a sufficiently good female by Ferengi standards, if you know what I mean.
  • Conversely, female to male transition probably wouldn’t be accepted, based on the reaction to Pel, although Pel didn’t necessarily actually change her gender identity or get her lobes surgically enlarged. It may be possible that some trans Ferengi existed and simply hid that they weren’t cis, although it’d be more difficult considering the mobility limitations on females. There were probably surgeons on the planet who were like “If you’ve got the Latinum, I’ll totally do it.”
  • Overall, I think the sentiment would be, “If you’ve got the lobes and you’ve got the Latinum, I don’t care what you do.”
  • For instance, if a non-binary Ferengi made lots of profit, they might not be totally respected, but at least not bothered as much.


  • Lesbian Ferengi are probably legal but still frowned upon.
  • Transitioning either way is probably easier, considering the shift in gender roles as seen by 2381 in Lower Decks.
  • Generally, with the Federation membership bid, probably a lot more open but still rife with social issues.


  • Do Ferengi experience dysphoria when their ears are the wrong size? (Very possibly yes, considering the dysphoria humans can experience from other secondary sex characteristics.)
submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Original Post:

Update: Nope, I'm still having the problem. It seems to be an ACPI problem. I found a potential solution, which I will test soon. The issue seems to only occur when using the charger and Bricklink Studio. These seems to be a common issue on Lenovo.

After using this laptop a few weeks, I have one important note. I was having a problem for a while where, usually after waking from sleep, in some rooms my Wi-Fi card would disconnect and I'd have to reboot to get my network connection back. Based on journalctl, it seemed to be some sort of weird firmware error.

I found the fix was to install updated firmware, specifically the version of firmware-realtek from testing, upon which the problem has stopped ocurring. As firmware packages tend to not have a lot of dependencies, I do want to see if I can get a bookwork-backports package uploaded so it's easier to install.


I've often pondered about how Vulcans view gender and sexuality.

I think pre-Surak/logic, they may have demonstrated homophobia and transphobia, but modern Vulcan Society would probably be chill with it under the reasoning that discrimination would reduce a person's efficacy as a functional member of Vulcan Society. For instance, given a choice between allowing a person to contribute verses driving them to the brink of suicide, Vulcans would probably tend to lean towards the first option.

There could very well still be stigma (Vulcans are far from a perfect society; some may have views that it is illogical to have a romantic relationship without a child), but it's dampened by the logic from the previous paragraph.

There's also the Pon Farr to keep in mind. Not only would it be hard to fight a person in the Ponn Farr, but also you'd literally be killing them by trying to prevent expression of their orientation.


I recently came across this meme. After researching, the original meme appears to be in late 2020.

That leaves me with one question: Where is this frame of DeForest Kelley from? Looking through both my memories and a double-check in MemoryAlpha, I'm certain it's not from TOS. Is there someone here more familiar with DeForest Kelley's filmography or, alternatively, someone who actually has the time to start looking through DeForest Kelley films?


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What are your guy's thoughts on the theme for Star Trek: The Animated Series (1973)?

I feel like:

  1. It almost sounds like the battle music for a Star Trek turn-based JRPG on the Nintendo DS.
  2. I feel like PRO's theme gives very similar vibes to this one while having a distinct identity.
  3. I almost feel like this theme is a weird in-between of the TOS theme and TNG-era theme (which makes perfect sense - I mean what else would be between the 60s and the 80s).

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Based on The Mesopotemians by They Might Be Giants and the Epic of Gilgamesh.


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This Might Be Lemmy is a community for fans of the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants to share opinions, show experiences, fan art, and whatever other John & John-related stuff they like.

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This Might Be Lemmy is a community for fans of the alternative rock band They Might Be Giants to share opinions, show experiences, fan art, and whatever other John & John-related stuff they like.

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