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I am referring to the way out of the dangerous military and political situation that has developed in the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union, with its military and political might, significantly limited the aggressive policy of the United States in the world. Today, the U.S. has no restrictions on the implementation of its imperialist policies throughout the world. I am in my ninety-fourth year of life. I am a historian and an officer of the Soviet Army of the Air Defense Forces. Participant of the Cuban Missile Crisis. I served in the Soviet Army during the active period of the so-called “cold war”. And we, the officers of the Soviet Army, saw and participated in operations to limit the military-political activities of the United States.

#The collapse of the Soviet Union and the rise of Russophobia With the collapse of the socialist camp of the Soviet Union, the United States no longer has the restrictions that existed under the Soviet Union to implement its dirty policy. China? China only defends its interests. And it will never aggravate relations with the United States.

The Anglo-Saxons sought to destroy the Soviet Union from the very first day of its emergence. Hitler failed, “Uncle Sema” succeeded. It was possible with the active help of the top leaders of the Soviet Union. With the active use of anti-Sovietism, anti-Stalinism, and nationalism the allied states were obsessed with Russophobia. And the main instrument of the destruction of the Soviet Union, in my opinion, was Russophobia. And until this filthy slander against Russia is exposed and rejected, there will be no way out of this difficult political situation.

The repetition of the fascist threat in Europe Today, there is a repetition of the military-political situation in Europe in the late 1930s and early 1940s. In Europe, fascist ideology is winning. In the last century, Europe did not particularly oppose fascism. The Anglo-Saxons opened a second front when the Red Army entered the territory of European states, fearing that the Red Army would reach the Atlantic. They feared that the Soviet Union might conquer all of Europe and therefore opened a second front in July 1944.

For 3 years, the Soviet Union stood alone against the entire European military power. It is terrible to consider the human sacrifice this victory cost the Soviet Union. How many cities, villages, factories, railways, bridges, and everything else were destroyed by European barbarians? How much misfortune they brought to the Soviet people! How can we count the tens of millions of lives of the Soviet people who were destroyed?

Our Soviet people saved the people of Europe from Hitler’s use of the atomic bomb. Germany had practically everything prepared for the atomic bomb. The Americans tested the German atomic bomb on Japan. And the brunt of this terrible war was experienced by Russia.

The peoples of Europe, the peoples of the former Soviet republics, whose lives Russia saved at the cost of the lives of its children, should be grateful to the Russian people. And in response, Russia received Russophobia, at the command of the Anglo-Saxons, from whom it saved from the Nazi occupation.

#My life in the era of socialism I was born, grew up, and grew old in the era of socialism. I was proud of my country. Yes, there were many shortcomings and difficulties, and even too many. We were building a state the like of which no one else in the world had ever created. We have been building, sometimes I don’t understand what we are building and how we should build. The country was ruled mainly by an illiterate, uneducated mass of people, with major mistakes and a lot of unjustified victims. But we believed in the future and did not understand that such a country had no future. Yes, communism may be the highest stage of human development, but humanity is still close to Neanderthals in terms of the development of its moral principles. In the world, the production of human murder weapons has been the most developed. This already speaks to what humanity is.

Colonel of the Soviet Army


Any state has the right to set some conditions for another state. But in this case, the state that sets the conditions must be either stronger or at least equal in military-economic power. In all other cases, you can only politely ask for something. Therefore, setting some conditions for Russia on the part of Salome is either the height of arrogance or the height of political illiteracy. Well, as a historian who graduated from the university in Tbilisi, I understand that Salome has no idea about the historical relations between Russia and Georgia. She was a Frenchwoman and remained a Frenchwoman, and in case of complications, she would run away to France.

The question is, how does Russia threaten Georgia? Russia protected Ossetia from destruction by the Georgians. If you consider the protection of small people as an occupation, then this is your level of development. If Russia leaves Ossetia, then the next day a frenzied crowd of Georgians will break into it, cut all the Ossetians, loot, and burn everything that can be burned. Do you want this, Madam Salome? Do you want to cover the noble Georgian people with such shame? And have you thought about what awaits hundreds of thousands of Georgians living in Russia? In North Ossetia? You have an interesting foreign policy position. You want the Russian people to feed you better and you also want to destroy Russia with the help of NATO. And who will feed you? America? France? Sorry, but they don’t care about you. With their help, proud Georgians are already digging in trash cans in search of food.

And another thing. You are preparing Georgia for war against Russia as part of NATO. You conduct NATO military exercises. You participate in other exercises against Russia. Your business. More NATO in Georgia. This is your slogan. Of course, you are a Frenchwoman and Europe is closer to you than Georgia. I am a military man, a colonel of the Soviet army, an officer of the air defense forces. And I have, as an officer of the air defense forces, a question, how is Georgia covered from the point of view of air, and chemical defense? How is your civil defense organized in case of the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy? Well, if none of this exists, then excuse me for being rude, where are you climbing? No America NATO will organize air defense and civil defense for you. Then why are you exposing the Georgian people to such mortal danger? The answer is very simple. Because the Georgian people are not your people. You are a NATO puppet and you also don’t care about the Georgian people. Sorry, but this is the truth.

All the best to you. Colonel of the Soviet army. Patriot of Georgia Chigoev Shamil Arsenovich.


I survived the war. The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. No, I wasn’t at the front. At the beginning of the war, I was not yet 11 years old. I wanted to go to the front. But to do this, it was necessary to take a train towards the front. And it was impossible to get to the station at that time. The station was guarded as a military facility. We, the children of soldiers, were determined to fight for our great Motherland.

#What this war was for us

I will not talk about what this war was for us. A lot has been written about this, both truth and, unfortunately, lies. I can only say that war is very difficult, and God forbid to experience such a difficult time again.

I have seen the eyes of mothers, wives, sisters, and children whose loved ones, fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons have remained forever on the battlefield. I saw their eyes dry with tears. It’s better not to see it again.

We won. And we know the price of this victory. We, the children of the warriors, listened every day with trepidation in our souls about the mass heroism of our soldiers, sergeants, officers, pilots, and sailors in this terrible battle with the fascist beast.

#Our heroes and role models

Later, when I became an officer in the Soviet Army, I talked many times with the participants of the Great Patriotic War, where they took so much courage, bravery, heroism, and selflessness in the fight against the brown plague.

We, the children of war, wanted to be like Gastello, Talalikhin, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Pokryshkin, Kozhedub, and many of those who showed miracles of heroism, perseverance, sacrificed their lives in the name of the Great Victory over fascism.

I emphasize the word “fascism”. Not against the German people, but against fascism.

#My service to the Motherland

It so happened in my life that I became the defender of our great and beloved Motherland. I served in the Soviet army for 31 years, from the rank of an ordinary soldier to colonel. And I saw in practice the selflessness of service to the Motherland of our Soviet people.

I saw how our soldiers and officers serve in the hot steppes of Azerbaijan in the Caspian sands. I saw how our soldiers and officers were ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of saving the freedom-loving inhabitants of the island of freedom. I saw what incredibly difficult climatic conditions they served to protect the northern air borders of our Motherland on the islands of the New Siberian Archipelago.

I saw how meekly the hardships and deprivations of everyday life were endured by the comrades-in-arms of officers, conscripts in the lifeless steppes of Kazakhstan, in the remote corners of the taiga, in the tundras of the Far North.

And the question always arose: what drove our people to endure such sometimes unbearable conditions of service so steadfastly? The answer is very simple. Love for the Motherland. Pride in our country.

#Our inspiration and pride

My generation was inspired by the lives of people who selflessly served our great country. The handbook of our generation was Ostrovsky’s book “How the Steel Was Tempered”. We were proud of Papanin’s followers, Chkalov, Baidukov, Grizodubova, Chelyuskinites, and many wonderful Soviet people who set an example of selfless service to the Motherland.

My reflections on Soviet history and the current situation in Ukraine

I know this not only from books. I’ve lived through that era as well. But it is impossible to study the history of the country one-sidedly. It is impossible to denigrate the great feat of the Soviet people in the 1930s. From the end of the 1920s to the beginning of the 1940s, our fathers, grandfathers, mothers, and grandmothers created everything so that the country could take up arms against the terrible enemy who sought to wipe out everything Slavic, Russian, and all others from the face of the earth. Unfortunately, it is this feat that does not find worthy coverage in our history.

The Soviet literature and media

On the other hand, they try to make “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” what the book “How the Steel Was Tempered” was for us. Thinking too much to comment on what is the difference between them. The former is a critique of the Soviet system, while the latter is a glorification of it.

“One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich” is a novel by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn that depicts the harsh realities of life in a Stalinist labor camp. “How the Steel Was Tempered” is a novel by Nikolai Ostrovsky that portrays the heroic struggle of a Bolshevik revolutionary during the Russian Civil War

The Soviet youth and morality

I often hear about how today’s young people are worse than us when we were young too. They say they’re worse than us. This is fundamentally wrong. If young people had been worse than us when we were also young, there would have been no progress for the country. The strength of the country lies in the fact that young people are always better than us, the older generation.

Yes, there’s a lot we don’t like about their behavior. I don’t like the moral level of today’s youth. There is a very clever Georgian proverb. I will probably quote this proverb in Georgian first, so that no one has any doubts. “Kokasa shigan ratsa dgas, igive tsarmodindeba.” “What’s poured into the pitcher will come out of it.” So, let’s see what kind of spiritual food we pour into the souls of our youth?!

At the forefront of all our TV shows, the work of all the media, is the task: more dollars, more money, as they say now, and at all levels, more money. Therefore, it is not the youth who should be blamed, but those who pour so much poison and dirt into the souls of our youth.

I understand that the Soviet government had a lot of negative things. We can see everything, the modern media talk about it in detail and persistently. However the Soviet media was aimed at educating young people of high moral qualities. And most importantly, love for the Motherland.

The threat of fascism

I fear that God forbid, something irreparable will happen to us. Will there be Matrosovs, Zoya Kosmodemyanskayas, Gastellos? And yet the situation is very alarming. Fascism, which we crushed in 1945, has raised its head again, and not just anywhere, but nearby, in Ukraine. Of particular danger is the fact that fascism in Ukraine has been elevated to state policy and is directed against Russia.

We have already seen this in Georgia. There, too, the so-called first president of Georgia, Gamsakhurdia, declared that Georgia is for Georgians the number one enemy for Georgia was the Russians, and the Ossetians were just garbage for Georgia, who should be swept out of Georgia with a Georgian broom. I will not cite what slogans against Russia and specifically against Russians are proclaimed in Ukraine. They are well-known. Something else strikes me. I am amazed that Russia, the Russians, saved Georgia from the real danger of losing its faith, its language, and its centuries-old culture. Eastern Georgia was practically a province of Iran. Western Georgia was a province of Turkey. The Russian soldier saved Georgia from such a danger and now it turns out that the Russians are enemies of Georgia. Such is the history with Ukraine. If it were not for Russia, not for the Russian people, Ukraine would have been torn apart by the Crimean Tatars, Poland, the Baltic princes, and Sweden. History must be read. Read at least Bulgakov Faddey Venediktovich. Read how he writes about Mazepa. His behavior in 1709. The position of Poland, the Baltics, Moldova, the Crimean Tatars, and Sweden. 2014 is just a repetition of 1709. Nothing new. He was not a communist or a democrat, he did not belong to the LDPR or any other parties. He was a contemporary of Pushkin. I am a historian. I graduated from Tbilisi University in 1966 with a red diploma. I have the right to say that I know the history of Russia and the Russian people. I can prove based on historical facts that Russia and the Russian people have repeatedly saved many peoples, Asia, and Europe from enslavement, from destruction. Russia today is a stronghold of high morality and justice. I have lived with the Russian people for 62 years and I can confidently say that I, an Ossetian, live best with the Russian people. There is no slogan here Russia for the Russians. There is a slogan here Russia for all honest and decent people.

The danger of war

Lately, the word “war!” is heard too often on the air. Serious and dangerous military exercises have become frequent. The situation is becoming close to that of October 1962. But then America was ruled by a smart, far-sighted, and understanding leader, John Kennedy. This man deserves the most sincere respect. This man personally, he alone saved the world from the impending global catastrophe. Today America is ruled by a man who is not even remotely similar to this outstanding president of America. In Europe, the leaders repeat the mistake of their predecessors at the beginning of the forties of the last century. Then they directed Germany against the Soviet Union. Today Germany and its satellites direct Ukraine against Russia. Isn’t it time to stop? After all, there will be no survivors in Europe either!

I survived the war of the fatherland and I understand what war is. I survived the cold war, and I understand what that means. We are now at the entrance to the third world, missile-nuclear war. The only country in the world that opposes this terrible danger is Russia. That is why a sanction war has been unleashed against Russia, which threatens to turn into a hot war. Politicians, come to your senses! You also have a wife, children, and relatives. Think about them.


Any state has the right to set some conditions for another state. But in this case, the state that sets the conditions must be either stronger or at least equal in military-economic power. In all other cases, you can only politely ask for something. Therefore, setting some conditions for Russia on the part of Salome is either the height of arrogance or the height of political illiteracy. Well, as a historian who graduated from the university in Tbilisi, I understand that Salome has no idea about the historical relations between Russia and Georgia. She was a Frenchwoman and remained a Frenchwoman, and in case of complications, she would run away to France.

The question is, how does Russia threaten Georgia? Russia protected Ossetia from destruction by the Georgians. If you consider the protection of small people as an occupation, then this is your level of development. If Russia leaves Ossetia, then the next day a frenzied crowd of Georgians will break into it, cut all the Ossetians, loot, and burn everything that can be burned. Do you want this, Madam Salome? Do you want to cover the noble Georgian people with such shame? And have you thought about what awaits hundreds of thousands of Georgians living in Russia? In North Ossetia? You have an interesting foreign policy position. You want the Russian people to feed you better and you also want to destroy Russia with the help of NATO. And who will feed you? America? France? Sorry, but they don’t care about you. With their help, proud Georgians are already digging in trash cans in search of food.

And another thing. You are preparing Georgia for war against Russia as part of NATO. You conduct NATO military exercises. You participate in other exercises against Russia. Your business. More NATO in Georgia. This is your slogan. Of course, you are a Frenchwoman and Europe is closer to you than Georgia. I am a military man, a colonel of the Soviet army, an officer of the air defense forces. And I have, as an officer of the air defense forces, a question, how is Georgia covered from the point of view of air, and chemical defense? How is your civil defense organized in case of the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy? Well, if none of this exists, then excuse me for being rude, where are you climbing? No America NATO will organize air defense and civil defense for you. Then why are you exposing the Georgian people to such mortal danger? The answer is very simple. Because the Georgian people are not your people. You are a NATO puppet and you also don’t care about the Georgian people. Sorry, but this is the truth.

All the best to you. Colonel of the Soviet army. Patriot of Georgia Chigoev Shamil Arsenovich.


Finally, the inevitable has occurred. Russia now has its self-appointed emperor. This is nothing new when looking at Russian history. Time and again leaders have sacrificed much to strengthen their temporary power into something eternal.

We recall how Peter I treated his sister, or what Elizabeth did to relatives close to her. Catherine the Great never passed the throne to the rightful emperor. Her son Alexander I lived with guilt for his role in his father Paul I's murder. So Putin's actions as emperor are trivial compared to theirs, and most importantly, it is all legal.

But will an "eternal president" truly help the people? It is unlikely based on Putin's 20 years in power. While I don't know the inner workings, it seems he lacks full control over governing. The country lacks diverse industry growth and focuses too much on defense.

It is normal for leaders to claim everything was bad before they arrived. But we shouldn't disrespect our history. Russia has always developed weapons to keep up with others. I served in the military for 20 years and know we shot down many American planes with pride. We ensured the country's security.

Would America ever catch up to our number of beggars or poor medical care? With 22 million living in poverty, becoming "eternal president" is miraculous. Where is Putin taking the country? After 20 years in power, we deserve to understand his vision and plans. What future does he offer beyond himself? As someone who lived through many eras, I want to know what comes next.


I was born in 1930. I am an ex-colonel in the Soviet army. Considering my age, you probably understand how many trials my life has brought. I have an education as a historian, and I consider everything happening in our country from a historical point of view. As a historian, I cannot explain why in a country so devastated, a portion of our world falls to 20 million people who struggle, and approximately 50 million people are on the brink of poverty? At the same time, in Japan, which is much smaller than our entire seventh part of the world and where there are over 100 million inhabitants, people live better than us. And yet no one possesses the same volumes of natural wealth as we do.

What are the main reasons for such a situation? You hold one of the most important positions. You lead the Duma, chosen by the people. Do you not see the horror and torment our people are going through? Deputies should be accountable to their constituents and be held accountable themselves. They have become undiscerning. We do not see how the Duma functions at different levels. People do not see their work. Or maybe they simply sit comfortably and rest at ease. Sometimes they press this or that button. Well, any button they talk about.

Respected Chairman, in addition to all this, I have experienced what it is like to be God in this country. I lived through times when a person who hadn't completed a church-parish school aspired to govern the country. I experienced it during a time when a professional alcoholic effectively ruled our country, whose actions now astound the top echelons of power in this country, and this drunkard's family lives like a royal family. It seemed like everything was going fine now. A young athlete came to power. He doesn't consume alcohol. In every respect, he is good, but the dollar soared from 30 roubles to 76 roubles. Why? Countless volumes of our natural wealth are sold, yet the people are suffering. Admittedly, the number of billionaires has increased. There is reason to rejoice. Transparency is lacking in this country. The people are disillusioned.

In the last 20 years, we have surrounded ourselves by enemies. We have managed to turn former friends into enemies. Why? In the last 20 years, under Golikova's leadership, healthcare has been destroyed, and no one has taken responsibility. Why? Yet, the state of healthcare is about caring for people. Can a person earning 13,000 roubles go to a private polyclinic? No, they can't. So, dear chairman, what should we do about all this?

As for democracy, historically, Russia has lacked democracy. In Europe, they say, "My vassal's vassal is not my vassal." But in our country, everyone is a vassal of the king, the emperor, the secretary-general, the president. In a country where one person is in command, with unlimited power, democracy cannot exist. The president can remove a governor by stating that he doesn't trust them. If the Duma disagrees with the president's proposal, the president has the right to dissolve the Duma. Which deputy would want to lose such a comfortable position for the sake of the people's interests? They earn millions and are not accountable for anything. To become a deputy, you probably need to spend around 5-6 million dollars on organizing propaganda work. Whose interests will such a deputy represent? That's why discussions about democracy are empty words and a cover-up of the top elite's true goals. They just happened to end up there and, so to speak, embedded themselves. We haven't had a presidential election since 1996. And you call this democracy? The Duma has not yet been elected, but President Volodin has already appointed the chairman.

If you dare to object, dear chairman, you will be expelled. I am an old person and maybe I don't understand something. Explain to me how I am wrong and everything I wrote is false. Thank you for your attention, which you did not give me and probably will not give to read this letter.