JS doesn't do any type inference. Ocaml Connor l type checker knows all the types and is completely type safe without type annotations.
This version is definitely a bit harder to follow what is going on.
Many farmers growing plants for animal feed. Also there are Deer farms that raise deer specifically for the hunting industry.
Instead of storing intersect-p as a variable and keeping it until the end of the loop, you can return early as soon as you find the first intersection.
Even though a hash table has better symtotic run time, you might find after benchmarking that the O(n^2) is faster for your use case. If you are set on using a hash table, you might consider setting the initial size to something a bit larger (relative to the input lists) to avoid having to dynamically grow the hash table.
I think also the return value of the inner loop is never used...
I personally like to keep my tests assertions top level so I can interactively run each one by itself.
I think the bigger problem is that they are hard to write and sometimes break tooling.
I'm pretty sure they operate on tokens not AST.
proprietariable just means the code can be taken and rerelased as proprietary (no freedoms all rights reserved).
You can sell GPL licensed software. You don't have to publish the source code publicly online.
You still own the code you release under GPL. the restriction you are describing is actually caused by the non-copyleft licences you claim to prefer. If you choose to use MIT, you are limiting which libraries you can use. If you had picked GPL to begin with, you can use any library.
Copyleft licences are the only true free software licences. All other open source licenses are just proprietariable.
This exact thing happens to me.