56k Flex Modem
I saw that happen once. Literately only once. I seen THOUSANDS of cars blow through light and stop signs. In fact just a few weeks ago a cop car ran past the stop sign and almost hit me. And, no, his light we're not on, he just wasn't paying attention.
None. I use HTTPS websites that protect my data.
Most modern ones it's just commands you have to run. You can usually find an easy walk-though on the MrChromebox website. I haven't seen one that required a jumper or anything in a LONG time.
All of these machines make for decent Linux laptops. I picked up an EOL Chromebook for $35 last year and installed Debian on it. Decent little machine. Not terribly fast but very useable.
BitTorrent. I only need to share a file once and it could potentially reach millions of people. It's old tech now but it feels like magic to me.
Are you trying to get them killed? Ferraris are expensive death machine.
Asking the real questions.
In the quest for endless growth all publicly traded companies eventually have to cut costs, jack up prices, or both. The investors expect a return on their investment.
Lemmy doesn't have that debt.
I was going to cancel my Max and Peacock account but my niece was still using it. I pay for Nebula, YouTube, and Spotify but I use them enough to feel that it's worth it.