Aside from certain situations where you’re taking pictures and the use of the always on display, there’s no difference. The molar reasonable thing to do would’ve been replaced the battery on the 13 for $99 and then wait another year or two for an upgrade.
Is this the phone you were using constantly or is this a phone that you pulled out of a drawer some three years later to try to use? That iPhone requires a good battery in order to run, because the power isn’t fed directly to the motherboard, but it instead fed directly to the battery which powers the motherboard. You should actually stop trying to charge that phone since you might cause issues with that battery.
You’re thinking about it backwards there are certain items that will give you a gift card if you buy them primarily older stock items
Colorware offers very high-quality painting for your Apple products, including the AirPods. You should check them out and consider doing them in pink.
This is a failed Sim swap attack where they were not able to get a hold of your Sim.
Like unopened because if so, you can sell that for a whole lotta money
The cable that comes with the phone because I have no need for high-speed data transfer and it’s a porch 20 W charging just fine
Currently, there is no way to break into that iPhone, without knowing the pin
I don’t know about the iPhone 12, but on the iPhone 11 there’s a dual purpose antenna that connects directly to the motherboard that snaps into place was that properly reinstalled in your phone?