
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

Des idiots finis.

Qui s'occupera d'eux ou de leur parents à un âge avancé si c'est médicalement requis de les placer en CHSLD?

Ah c'est vrai, comme dans toutes religions, ils y en a qui sont trop occupé à étudier leur seul livre (/s) et essayer de trouver des excuses pour imposer leur volonté (personnelles).

C'est-tu si difficile d'admettre simplement que cela nous tente pas (ou simplement qu'on n'est pas confortables de prendre soin de personnes si fragile)? Pourquoi impliquer la religion?

Je préfère que se soit des individus qui se sentent capable de faire le métier ou qui osent demander de l'aide pour bien apprendre le métier dans les règles de l'art.

À chacun ses forces, ses faiblesses et ses ambitions/rêves. Bien sûr, on ne demandera pas à un pompier de contruire un avion, un ingénieur de représenter quelqu'un au tribunal, un enfant d'opérer la tour de contrôle d'un aéroport ou un programmeur informatique de piloter un navire de guerre.

Chacun grandit et acquiert des expériences selon leur décisions/réussites/erreurs/regrets ainsi que leur désirs/ambitions/rêves.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 9 months ago

I'm not sure, the logs only mention E:\Movies folder is missing or not being available/accessible (permission issues? Wrong hard drive?).

Something may have happened before the logs were made, or by another application/service service running on your system.

Hopefully it will help you find the source of the error.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago

77% Not great 🫤

The coffee shop WiFi question doesn't allow for VPN only, requires to choose an additional option (none of the other are great beyond exclusively using home internet, which I selected this time).

I got fooled by the google alternative letter hostname 😆

I use "virtual" credit cards for these situations (or a gift card I received), but not an available option.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago

Nowadays, the only thing I find myself printing occasionally are return labels for Amazon RMA on my trusty old Samsung CLP laser printer (which sometime has a mind of its own and starts adding a single grayish streak on the second page onward at random location).

I have a second monochrome laser printer from Brother I purchased 2-3 years ago for a bargain lightning price of $70 thinking of replacing my old "dying" printer, however I exclusively use it to do occasional photocopies and I already have a bunch of TN660 toner for it.

Just waiting for the Samsung to run its course and finally die but it lives on challenging any thoughts I may have to send it to the eco-centre (recycling center in Québec). It is at least maybe 20 years old and the darn thing is stubbornly holding on 😆. At this point I feel like it may last another 20 years. It has indeed been well worth the $300 at the time.

Early on, I experienced so many issues with Lexmark, Epson and HP that I crossed off the companies forever.

Fortunately, I think I lucked out on my current 2 printers that will, hopefully, last me a few more decades.

I used to only recommend that any Brother printer would be better to friends and family, but I came accross information that newer brother printers started to have a chip in their ink/toner cartridges. I am unaware if it is for some nefarious purpose. Hopefully, they understand alienating customers will quickly dissolve all the good will they have accumulated.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 9 months ago (4 children)

Wow, asbestos pipes, that's something new I learned today…

Total genius move by whomever designed it and the organization that approved/certified it for human potable water use.

How am I still surprised by these things, long ago we once thought lead pipes were perfect for moving/transporting potable water (apparently, one of the many things that contributed to the collapse of the Roman Empire).

Nowadays, high density polyethylene pipes are selling like hotcakes and certified for potable water use. Will we find, in a few decades, that micro-plastics are more prevalent than expected and cause innumerable long term health issues? Hence, the new thing to avoid like the Black Plague.

What is wrong with plain old copper pipes, outside of just being expensive due to low supply vs huge demand? (I may have missed the news on how they too affect health)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

Thank you for this excellent writeup.

A lot of mistakes/repercussions was readily documented beforehand and could have been avoided by proper regulations (even by not removing sane ones such as the Glass–Steagall legislation).

Moreover, Climate Change is affecting a larger and larger part of the stochastic increases in instability: from extreme localized weather and regional aberration to global temperature anomaly affecting every part of the planet differently.

However, we live in a world whereas bombastic contrarians are lauded, even elevated to positions of power or at the center of important decision making processes. No wonder we keep being surprised by avoidable disasters.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Il y a plusieurs zones grises que je ne comprend pas ou que je trouve louche (par exemple, Northvolt a payée le terrain une somme faramineuse bien au delà de la valeur du terrain au propriétaire précédent).

La bousculade d'implanter Northvolt sans études ou évaluations d'impacts semblent être d'une témérité inédite après les aventures du troisième lien qui ne cessait de se tranformer ou de disparaître™ ou revenir de son cercueil «définitif».

Je suis pour un projet d'usine de batteries, mais j'aurai et j'ose espérer que se soit fait avec la rigueur qu'un tel projet d'avenir mérite.

Le stade olympique de Montréal était aussi un «projet d'avenir» mais c'est devenu un désastre qui requiert des rénovations sans fin et les coût n'ont toujours pas finit d'être payé par les citoyen (je ne suis pas sûr si çà l'est encore depuis quelques dernières années).

De plus, la production d'électricité privés pour les «voisins» est une autre idée sortie d'ont ne sait où et sans vraiment évaluer les conséquences.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Je parles en français la plupart du temps, cependant sur Lemmy c'est rarement en français.

Il va simplement falloir attendre que les lois du Canada ainsi que ceux du Québec rattrapent/suivent ceux de l'Union Européenne en ce qui concerne le «Side-loading» dans l'écosystème Apple.

C'est lent, mais ça arrivera ici éventuellement 😆.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago (6 children)

Why is Canada also excluded from side-loading? 😭

[–] [email protected] 30 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Unfortunately, the solutions are fairly easy but it would be political suicide for anyone who would even dare to actually propose anything that would ruffle the feathers of the vested interests, the powerful or (God forbid /s) the wealthiest 10%, or the "untouchable" 0.1%.

Simplify/Regularize the tax code by eliminating all ambiguity :

  • by removing exceptions and loopholes for corporation and individuals (it only helps the wealthy with "top gun" accountants to "legally" avoid/reduce taxes).
  • pre-filled tax declaration should be expanded or made automatic for every individuals with simple tax situations (they should not be worrying about taxes and tax credits when their income in lower than a inflation indexed preset treshold)
  • make everyone's tax information public or accessible for every citizens similar to Tax transparency in Finland (PDF) it helps prevent/detect/reduce social inequalities and keep every one accountable toward each others
  • exclude tax filling softwares and companies whom have vested interest in making tax declarations as complex and as unintelligible as possible by lobbying government
  • increase financing and auditing of Canada Revenue Agency to help better pursue, prosecute and recover wealth hidden in tax Havens, or create a new separate branch of the CRA tasked exclusively to handle corporate tax shenanigans/evasion and deep pocketed individuals

This is a partial, but relevant, copy of one of my previous post (check my post history for the original long post).

[–] [email protected] 14 points 9 months ago


Is this some LLM copy-paste meme? Did I miss some viral post/thread that led to the above text?

I may need some help/context trying to understand all this…

[–] [email protected] 3 points 10 months ago

Too late, I was buying up a bunch of high TBW solid state drives the last ~2 years, even this Black Friday/Boxing Day there were a few last deals.

My focus was mostly on Intel Optane leftovers, but also Samsung Pro (NVMe, SATA, even microSD), Kingston enterprise (DC500M/DC600M/DC1500M, NVMe, SD/microSD), even some Seagate Nytro SATA/SAS enterprise drives, Crucial MX500, WD Red, and a bunch of other brands.

I'm a data hoarder organizer for family/relatives/friends I regularly give tech support for and myself. I love to recycle old PC I've build previously into NAS, media center, NVR or whatever new projects or ideas they come up with.

Unfortunately, I may have missed out on some great DDR4 and DDR5 deals I saw but was thinking it was not immediately necessary 🫤... oh well... we win some and lose some.

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