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[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

He's literally going to cut middle class taxes and keep all the progress we have made under JT while pivoting our economic strategy to expand our internal and external trade partners. That's exactly what I wanted. A pivot, even most people thinking that Pierre is better have no fucking cute that Pierre would reverse everything JT had accomplished that helps the middle and working class.

Childcare - can save families 5k/yr per child. Dental care for those uninsured making under 90k/yr AFTER taxes. Pharma care for BC and diabetes. Carbon pricing on industrial emmiters. School foods program that will make sure all kids are fed.

These are all things that must remain and the CPC is just frothing at the mouth to gut them.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

Yeah idk legal weed was great and monumental but the CCB, $10/day childcare, Dental care, pharmacare, first home savings account, the environmental reforms and carbon pricing (while MASSIVLY misunderstood) were very big achievements. Like...fucking bonkers big. He propelled us back into the 21 century along with Europe and every other developed nation.

Sure there were fuck ups and slip ups. But literally no politician is. His achievements so greatly overshadow those slip ups, and that's not even getting into his handling of the pandemic and maintaining order. Literally had one of the best recoveries of any of the first world countries post COVID while also effectively vaccinating our population and supporting individuals during job loses. All while the provinces did fuck all.

Again, legal weed is like... Fucking awesome, but these major achievements of his will go down in Canadian history as the moment when we as a nation grew up and turned the page to dominate the 21st century.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (5 children)

Pretty sure the entire election reform issue is a bit more then Trudeau having a simple majority. That is like amending or Charter of Rights

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