Kunhan saa hiirtä liikutettua niin riittää.
Vaan kun tyhmiä tv ruutuja ei enää näytä saavan vaikka haluaisi! Vaikka käyttäisi vain auxin kautta niin ehtivät launcherissa näyttämään mainoksia. On se kumma että me maksamme satoja euroja siitä että saadaan nähdä mainoksia.
You jest but as you know this really is something Linux users have had to do with many things, like games. Game works with wine/proton but only has windows support? You're a windows gamer now. If you use linux and FF, some sites break unless you spoof as windows and edge. We have been doing this to ourselves, hopefully it gets better.
To me he always te paparaz
Itsekin tullut ahmittua kertomuksia Pohjois-Koreasta, jonkun aikaa sitten luin Masaji Ishikawan "Pako Helvetistä". Kannattaa lukea jos et jo ole. Mielenkiintoista yrittää luoda kuvaa siitä mitä se elämä siellä on.
Been using the keepass format with varying applications for about 14 years. I used to host it in SVN repo for that sweet sweet cloud access! Not that smart im retrospec.. I feel like you shouldnt trust your passwords to the cloud, especially if their thing is password management. Last pass for example is under constant battery from attackers.
I've been in countries that dont do tipping and this option has appeared in card machines there..its infectious
I'm the train about to be derailed!
In short: The new government is alarmingly right-winged. Some have been accused of being nazi sympathisers. Also as a new thing we have conspiracy theories that some high government officials believe in. Oh and they want to dial back on useless money draining things such as social security (e.g. monetary help) So a bit like what you guys have there!
Now I have to know too.
Lots of great recommendations and I got a few ideas from here. I came here to mention AFWall+, which blocks apps' internet connection with iptables for that additional layer of security.
I saw this on 9gag 10 years ago and I still remember it and it's still funny.