
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Thank you for your thoughts!

instead of user A's devices being 10.0.1.x make it, 20-29 for the next user, 30-39 etc. . . . then the DHCP range make 100-199 . . . that way you still have equal "tidiness" without needing a humongous network size.

This is what I started with before realizing I could also assign the third octet. I'm glad to hear that my original plan would have worked just fine (if slightly uglier to my eye... but I'll choose function over aesthetics).

Some clarifications about what you quoted... I originally wrote:

Should I be... "spreading out" the assigned host addresses? Like instead of .1, .2, .3, assign them .8, .16, .32, etc.?

Did you intend to highlight this portion? And if so, could you please explain further?


My consumer-grade router currently uses its defaults for DHCP assignment (

However, I'd like a "tidier" network. I'm thinking about using I'd like to assign IPs for each known user's device into a respective subnet.

This is entirely unnecessary; I don't think I will net any tangible benefits. However, doing so would allow me to achieve a few things:

  • I learn about networking. I'm currently a total noob.
  • I am able to build a marginally more organized network (subjective)
    • example: client configuration in AdGuard Home is slightly more sensical to my human brain
IP range Usage
10.0.0.x "Common" devices; router (.1), home server (.2), Roku (.3), printer (.4)
10.0.1.x User A's devices, manually assigned via MAC address in the router console
10.0.2.x User B's devices, manually assigned via MAC address in the router console
10.0.3.x User C's devices, manually assigned via MAC address in the router console
10.0.4.x Automatic DHCP assignment starts here; I would manually assign new and recognized devices (i.e. not guests) an IP in their proper subnet when I get around to it.


  • Does this make sense?
  • Are there any consequences I am not anticipating?
  • Are there any performance considerations?

Potentially very stupid questions

  • I'll never actually use all 2,048 addresses under the /21 mask -- is there any kind of performance impact by making so many unused host addresses available?
  • I'll never have 254 devices on this network, let alone 254 on a single subnet. Should I be... "spreading out" the assigned host addresses? Like instead of .1, .2, .3, assign them .8, .16, .32, etc.?

Network information:

  • Verizon FiOS 300Mbps
  • CR1000B router/switch/access point all-in-one
  • Wyse 5070 running a few Docker containers, including a DNS blocker
  • roughly 12 connected devices, no IoT
    • four laptops
    • three smartphones
    • some secondary devices (smart watches)
    • one Roku, used between eight and twelve hours per week
    • one printer, almost always off

I will not be replacing the CR1000B anytime soon. Proper VLANs seem to be out of the question. This router does offer -Guest and -IoT; I think -Guest is VLAN'd with a maximum of ten connected devices (weird arbitrary limit) and the -IoT one is 2.4 GHz only, but not VLAN'd.

I'm a networking noob, so please correct me politely.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

You are looking for a binary yes/no answer, but the reality is that only you can answer this question.

worth it

"worth it" is subjective...

  • We don't know how your ISP is pricing their Mbps plans
  • We don't know what your budget constraints are
    • What do you consider to be cheap?
    • What do you consider to be reasonably affordable?
    • What do you consider to be expensive?

Would gig Internet really help that out?

This depends on whether your equipment can make use of the 900-1200 Mbps fiber in

Most devices are on WiFi and seem to get about 50mb to 100mb speed

Is this causing any problems?

I have 300Mbps Verizon FiOS in the northeastern United States. This is plenty for my needs:

  • dozens to thousands of search engine queries per day; general web browsing
  • constantly streaming of YouTube video
  • video calls
  • no gaming
  • occasional TV streaming
  • twelve total devices, not all concurrently used (although AdGuard Home tells me that they all make multiple DNS queries every minute)

I would say that most people over-estimate their internet bandwidth needs.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

It doesn't seem to be officially supported, but they do provide instructions for Docker Compose: