Yes, that is correct. The first half of 2023 was a new record low in electricity consumption for first half years (since 2015). You can also see that by toggeling the "Load" category. Extreme values in the tracked time period: maximum load 1,347 TWh in 2018 and minimum load this year with 1,219 TWh. Compared to last years first half there was:
- a reduction of load by 79.7 TWh
- a reduction of nuclear output by 11.9 TWh
- a reduction of conventional output by 88.2 TWh
- an increase of renewable output by 30.5 TWh
Finally to make the sums match up, we can look at the import balance: in the first half of 2022 the EU net imported 5.771 TWh, this year it net exported 4.23 TWh.
Die Auswahl "Gesamt" sollte auch die Stromproduktion in der Industrie (gesamte Nettostromerzeugung einschließlich der Kraftwerke der „Betriebe im verarbeitenden Gewerbe sowie im Bergbau und in der Gewinnung von Steinen und Erden“) umfassen. Also: mit Industrie.