It tastes pretty much how you'd imagine. A normal Jaritos with booze. Similar aftertaste to a White Claw but a little too sweet for my palette.
Therapy Gecko, Bad Friends, Podcast But Outside
The Talisman and along with it The Black House doesn't get enough love
Honestly, doing laundry in the basement when I lived on the 3rd floor was the most annoying part of having no elevator.
We still love our teal in San Jose
The point is to show that Heathcliff is almost always unnecessary to the original comic, to the point where removing him changes little if anything about the joke. It also highlights how the jokes are lame and barely make sense with our without Heathcliff.
Onion gravy is pretty easy
I think it's credited as one of, if not the first, show to flip the sitcom formula on it's head in terms of protagonists. Before, shows were about good people having to deal with conflicts and coming out on top. Seinfeld was about bad people creating conflicts and then failing to resolve them. This is particularly evident in the finale when the show ends with them all in jail instead of each character getting their own happy ending.
The Murderbot Diaries series by Martha Wells is a collection of short books in the first perspective of a cyborg. You might enjoy that.
Try out Shokz bone conducting headphones. They are awesome, you can hear the world around you, and the app has a vocal booster mode that makes listening to podcasts much better. It works really well on my 1.5 hour bike commute in traffic with road noise, and I can still hear the cars passing by.
Whip It