This is him showing off to putin
If it's just you being immortal, loss of all family, and friends, and loss of new friends, rinse repeat forever. Eventualdieyoull watch society collapse and regrow (possibly), and the planet will die. Immortality is forever after all. Then you're left alone on a deserted dead planet. Electronics you have will eventually break and fade away to time. The sun will grow and die off, and it'll burn because you're immortal but still stuck on a planet that'll get enveloped, eventually. Living forever would be terrible unless it was forever until you died of something physical, just not age and illness.
What's up with upper class trying to destroy middle class all the time? Are middle class a threat to them? Has to be, otherwise this wouldn't matter.
Make things hard for billionaires and spread their wealth amongst the lower class to start evening shit out. Who tf needs almost a trillion unspendable dollars?
And term limits at all stages, right up to supreme court justices.
This was my most recent good horror movie discovery
Reductio... is that a Harry Potter spell?
I'm down for better graphics and 4 player coop, if it's done well. I don't want single player to be impossible because it needs coop, and I don't want coop to be simple because it's designed for single player. Needs to scale well.
Too bad the trailer is all cgi and not gameplay. Can't wait otherwise. Is this xbox exclusive?
Bret didn't even give her 10 seconds to respond at times. Some of the questions were loaded questions with 2 negative answers. She tried to explain multiple times where a policy or problem started (in the trump term for example) and that came off as her talking only about Trump. Overall, it was mostly what would be expected with a dem on Faux.
I still play this game when ive got nothing else to play.
I also enjoyed Guardoans 2 and 3, and spiderman 2 and 3, and strange 2, and DP & Wolverine.
Totally agreed on Shang Chi, with the 3rd act being way out of place and not very good, but the forst 2/3rds of it were fun.
I'm actually also hopeful that Cap 4 and thunderbolts will he good since both had pretty good trailers.
I also liked Quantumania. It wasn't perfect, but it wasn't "Thor 4" level of bad either.
Use the top hatch