Yes, sorry, I was saying that I wish that they had fixed that when they reworked focus points.
Taking random focus spells that you don't need because you had to boost your pool was an issue before the rewrite, and it's arguably even worse now post rewrite, because you benefit by taking them earlier.
Previously you just needed a second focus point by 12 and a third by 18 (since the once-a-day extra points weren't that big a deal). Now if your party has time to rest longer you can get more focus spells per encounter as soon as you can take more spells.
Technically the Mitflit has no penalty to its ability to see through a Lie: its Self-Loathing ability affects Will saves from Coerce, Demoralize, Make an Impression, and Request, and it's specifically flavored as self-loathing, so unless the bard is setting up the lie to attack their competence "You idiot, why are you attacking us? We're the emissaries sent by your boss" it doesn't really make sense to apply it. The flavor is very specifically that they're easy to bully because they hate themselves, so the bard nicely interacting with them doesn't work the same way.
From the Lie action block:
So ideally you'd just want to give them a large circumstance bonus for the pretty unbelievable lie, and let the dice decide.
Lie also has no Critical Success effect, the target either believes it or doesn't, so rolling particularly high above the DC doesn't do anything.
If the party does manage to succeed on the Lie with the circumstance bonus, I think TowardsTheFuture has it: you'd get a momentary cease-fire while they try and figure out what's going on, and the party would probably have to make additional lies to back it up. Going to check with the boss, resuming combat, and accepting your claims and doing what you tell them to might be on the table.